Will Rogers

William Penn Adair "Will" Rogers (4 Kasım 1879 - 15 Ağustos 1935) Amerikalı vodvil sanatçısı, mizahçı, sosyal yorumcu ve sinema oyuncusu. 1920'lerde ve 1930'larda dünyanın en bilinen ünlülerinden birisiydi.
"Oklahoma'nın Favori Oğlu" olarak bilinir.[1] Rogers, şimdi Oklahoma'nın parçası olan Indian Territory'de Cherokee Milleti'nden bir ailenin oğlu olarak doğdu. Dünya'yı üç kez seyahat eden Rogers, 71 film (50 sessiz film ve 21 "talkie") yaptı,[2] gazetelerde 4.000'den fazla sütun yazdı ve dünyaca ünlü bir figür haline geldi.[3]
Rogers kendi küçük uçağının Alaska'ya düşmesi sonucu 1935 yılında öldü.[4]
Sessiz film
| Travelog Series
Sesli film
Referanslar ve ek okumalar
- Anderson, Gary Clayton Will Rogers and "His" America (2010).
- Ketchum, Richard M. Will Rogers: His Life and Times (1973)
- O'Brien, P. J. Will Rogers, Ambassador of Good Will Prince of Wit and Wisdom. (1935) online edition 18 Mayıs 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- Robinson, Ray. American Original: A Life of Will Rogers. (1996). 288 pp. online edition 18 Mayıs 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- Rollins, Peter C. Will Rogers: A Bio-Bibliography. Greenwood, 1984. 282 pp.
- Sterling, Bryan B., and Frances N. Sterling, Will Rogers' World (1989),
- Yagoda, Ben. Will Rogers: A Biography (1993) excerpt and text search 7 Mart 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
Bilimsel çalışmaları
- Brown, William R. (1979). "Will Rogers and His Magic Mirror". Chronicles of Oklahoma. 57 (3). ss. 300-325.
- Coleman, Timothy S. "All We Know of Nation Is What We See in the Pictures: Will Rogers and the National Imaginary in 1920s and 1930s America." PhD dissertation, Wayne State U. 2003. 183 pp. DAI 2004 64(12): 4245-A. DA3116488 Fulltext: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
- Jenkins, Ronald Scott. "Representative Clowns: Comedy and Democracy in America." PhD dissertation Harvard U. 1984. 208 pp. DAI 1984 45(4): 1187-A. DA8416931 Fulltext: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
- Johnson, Bobby H. and R. Stanley Mohler. "Wiley Post, His Winnie Mae, and the World's First Pressure Suit." 9 Ağustos 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1971.
- Roach, Fred, Jr. "Will Rogers' Youthful Relationship with His Father, Clem Rogers: a Story of Love and Tension." Chronicles of Oklahoma 1980 58(3): 325-342. Issn: 0009-6024
- Roach, Fred; Jr (1979). "Vision of the Future: Will Rogers' Support of Commercial Aviation". Chronicles of Oklahoma. 57 (3). ss. 340-364.
- Rollins, Peter C. "Will Rogers: Symbolic Man, Journalist, and Film Image." Journal of Popular Culture 1976 9(4): 851-877.
- Rollins, Peter C. (1979). "Will Rogers, Ambassador sans Portfolio: Letters from a Self-made Diplomat to His President". Chronicles of Oklahoma. 57 (3). ss. 326-339.
- Smallwood, James M. (1988). "Will Rogers of Oklahoma: Spokesman for the 'Common Man.'". Journal of the West. 27 (2). ss. 45-49.
- Southard, Bruce (1979). "Will Rogers and the Language of the Southwest: a Centennial Perspective". Chronicles of Oklahoma. 57 (3). ss. 365-375.
- Ware, Amy (2009). "Unexpected Cowboy, Unexpected Indian: The Case of Will Rogers". Ethnohistory. 56 (1). ss. 1-34. doi:10.1215/00141801-2008-034.
- Rogers, Will (1975) [1924]. Joseph A. Stout, Jr. (Ed.). Rogers-isms: The Cowboy Philosopher On Prohibition. Stillwater: Oklahoma State University Press. ISBN 0-914956-06-X.
- Rogers, Will (Mart 2003) [1924]. Illiterate Digest. Kessinger Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7661-4321-0.
- Rogers, Will (1977) [1926]. Joseph A. Stout (Ed.). Letters Of A Self-Made Diplomat To His President. Stillwater: Oklahoma State University Press. ISBN 0-914956-09-4.
- Rogers, Will (Aralık 1982). Steven K. Gragert (Ed.). More letters of a self-made diplomat. Stillwater: Oklahoma State University Press. ISBN 978-0-914956-22-8.
- Rogers, Will (1927). There's Not A Bathing Suit In Russia.
- Rogers, Will (1982) [1928]. "He chews to run": Will Rogers's Life magazine articles, 1928. Stillwater: Oklahoma State University Press. ISBN 0-914956-20-5.
- Rogers, Will (1983). Steven K. Gragert (Ed.). Radio Broadcasts of Will Rogers. Stillwater: Oklahoma State University Press. ISBN 0-914956-24-8.
- Sterling, Bryan and Frances (2001). Forgotten Eagle: Wiley Post: America's Heroic Aviation Pioneer. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers. ISBN 0-7867-0894-8.
- Rogers, Will. Letters of a Self-Made Diplomat to His President (1926) online edition 18 Mayıs 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- Rogers, Will, and Joseph H. Carter. Never Met a Man I Didn't Like (1991) excerpt and text search 19 Mart 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- Rogers, Will. Will Rogers at the Ziegfeld Follies. ed. by Arthur Frank Wertheim, (1992). 288 pp.
- Rogers, Will. Will Rogers' Weekly Articles. Vol. 1, The Harding/Coolidge Years, 1922-1925. ed. by James M. Smallwood, (1980). 431 pp.
- Rogers, Will. Will Rogers' Weekly Articles. Vol. 2: The Coolidge Years, 1925-1927. ed. by Steven K. Gragert, (1980). 368 pp.
- Rogers, Will. Will Rogers' Weekly Articles. Vol. 3: The Coolidge Years, 1927-1929. ed. by Steven K. Gragert, (1981). 304 pp.
- Rogers, Will. Will Rogers' Weekly Articles. Vol. 4: The Hoover Years, 1929-1931. ed. by Steven K. Gragert, (1981). 278 pp.
- Rogers, Will. Will Rogers's Daily Telegrams. Vol. l, The Coolidge Years, 1926-1929. ed. by James M. Smallwood, 1978. 453 pp.
- Rogers, Will. Will Rogers' Daily Telegrams. Vol. 4, The Roosevelt Years, 1933-1935. ed. by James M. Smallwood, (1979). 457 pp.
- Rogers, Will. Convention Articles of Will Rogers. ed. by Joseph A. Stout, 1976. 174 pp.
- Rogers, Will. The Writings of Will Rogers. Volume 3: Illiterate Digest. ed. by Joseph A. Stout, Jr., 1974. 230 pp. online edition 18 Mayıs 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- Rogers, Will. Autobiography (1948), ed. by Donald Day; 410pp; online edition 19 Mayıs 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- Rogers, Will. Rogers-isms: the Cowboy Philosopher on the Peace Conference, (1919). Online at Project Gutenberg 11 Kasım 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- Sterling, Bryan B., and Frances N. Sterling, eds. Will Rogers Speaks: Over 1,000 Timeless Quotations for Public Speakers (And Writers, Politicians Comedians, Browsers) (1995).
- Will Rogers yazıları
- Rogers, Will (Şubat 1996). Steven K. Gragert and M. Jane Johansson (Ed.). The Papers of Will Rogers: The Early Years : November 1879-April 1904. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN 978-0-8061-2745-3.
- Rogers, Will (Eylül 2000). Steven K. Gragert and M. Jane Johansson, eds. (Ed.). Papers of Will Rogers : Wild West and Vaudeville, April 1904-September 1908, Volume Two. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN 978-0-8061-3267-9.
- Rogers, Will (28 Eylül 2005). Steven K. Gragert and M. Jane Johansson (Ed.). The Papers of Will Rogers: From Broadway to the National Stage, September 1915 – July 1928. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN 978-0-8061-3704-9.
- Rogers, Will (28 Eylül 2005). Steven K. Gragert and M. Jane Johansson (Ed.). The Papers of Will Rogers: From Broadway to the National Stage, September 1915 – July 1928. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN 978-0-8061-3704-9.
- Rogers, Will (31 Ekim 2006). Steven K. Gragert and M. Jane Johansson (Ed.). The Papers of Will Rogers: The Final Years, August 1928 – August 1935. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN 978-0-8061-3768-1.
- ^ Curtis, Gene (5 Haziran 2007). "Only in Oklahoma: Rogers statue unveiling filled U.S. Capitol". Tulsa World. 11 Ağustos 2007 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 21 Temmuz 2007.
- ^ "RSU and Will Rogers Museum to Discuss Possible Merger" (Basın açıklaması). Rogers State University. 18 Nisan 2007. 7 Kasım 2007 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 20 Temmuz 2007.
- ^ Schlachtenhaufen, Mark (31 Mayıs 2007). "Will Rogers grandson carries on tradition of family service". OkInsider.com. Oklahoma Publishing Company. 28 Eylül 2007 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 21 Temmuz 2007.
- ^ Video: Man of the Year 1935: Will Rogers. Man of the Year (TV Show). 1945. Erişim tarihi: 21 Şubat 2012.
- O'Brien, P. J. (1935). Will Rogers: Ambassador of Good Will, Prince of Wit and Wisdom. N.P.: Winston.
- "Claim Will Rogers Is Free To Insult Race Under Agreement." Kansas City (MO) Plaindealer, February 2, 1934, p. 2.
- "Protest Will Rogers' Radio Speech." Pittsburgh Courier, January 27, 1934, p. 1.
- Sterling, Bryan B., and Frances N. Sterling, eds. Will Rogers Speaks: Over 1,000 Timeless Quotations for Public Speakers (And Writers, Politicians Comedians, Browsers). (1995).
- "Will Rogers Hurls Back A Second Insult." Baltimore Afro-American, February 3, 1934, p. 1.
- Yagoda, Ben (Nisan 2000). Will Rogers: A Biography. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN 978-0-8061-3238-9.
Dış bağlantılar

- IMDb'de Will Rogers
- IBDB'de Will Rogers.
- The Official Site of Will Rogers
- Will Rogers Birthplace 9 Mart 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- Will Rogers Museums2 Nisan 2006 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- Will Rogers State Historic Park 30 Eylül 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- Will Rogers Polo Club
- Will Rogers World Airport6 Mayıs 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- Will Rogers in 3 excerpts from 1935 broadcasts
- Will Rogers Institute 4 Aralık 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- The Tulsa World's Will Rogers site
- Find a Grave'de Will Rogers
- Booknotes interview with Ben Yagoda on Will Rogers: A Biography, September 25, 1994.
- Will Rogers 22 Şubat 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi. at C-SPAN's American Writers: A Journey Through History
- Voices of Oklahoma interview with Doris "Coke" Meyer, grand-niece to Will Rogers. 10 Mart 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi. Voices of Oklahoma oral history project.29 Temmuz 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.