İçeriğe atla

Saskia Sassen

Saskia Sassen
Doğum5 Ocak 1949 (75 yaşında)
Lahey, Hollanda

Saskia Sassen, Hollandalı bir ailenin kızıdır. Bir Nazi gazetecisi olan babası Willem Sassen, Nazi rejiminin Hollanda'daki işbirlikçilerindendir ve Holokost'un mimarlarından olan Nazi Almanyası subaylarından Adolf Eichmann ile yaptığı röportaj ile bilinmektedir (1960). Saskia Sassen küşük yaşlarda iken ailesi, Nazi Almanyası'nın sonu ile birlikte Buenos Aires, Arjantin'e göç etmiştir. Sassen, Arjantin'de büyümüştür. Daha sonra ise gençlik yıllarının bir kısmını İtalya'da geçirmiş ve çok kültürlü ve çok dilli bir ortamda yetişmiştir.

1966'dan itibaren Université de Poitiers, Fransa; the Università degli Studi di Roma, Roma ve the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires'te birer yıl geçiren Sasen felsefe ve politik bilimler alanında eğitim görmüştür. 1969'dan sonra Sassen, Notre Dame Üniversitesi'nde sosyoloji eğitimi almıştır.1971-1974 yılları arasında Indiana'da sırasıyla M.A. ve Ph.D. dereceleri elde etmiştir. Bunlara ek olarak 1974'te Poitiers'te felsefe dalında Fransızca master derecesi elde etmiştir.

Bilimsel bakış açısı

İşgücü ve sermayenin hareketliliğine ilişkin olarak Sassen, insan göçü üzerinde durmaktadır. Onun bakış açısının merkezinde işgücünün yeniden düzenlenmesinde ona şekil veren kapitalizasyon sürecinin aksaklıkları vardır. Diğer bir deyişle kapitalist ortalıkların bu kompozisyonu sağlamadaki yetersizliklerinden hareket etmektedir. Bu yetersizlikler insana dair göç olgusunu tetiklemektedir. Küreselleşme ve kapitalizasyon süreci ile etkileşim halindeki işgücü göçününün merkezden çevreye dağılımı demektir. Toplum bilimi ve kent bilimi anlamında bu etkileşimin olumsuz yönleri üzerinde durmaktadır.


Yazarın kitapları

  • Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages (Princeton: Princeton University Press, May 2006) ISBN 0-691-09538-8. Awards for TAR: Winner of the 2007, Distinguished Book Award, Political Economy of the World-System Section, by ASA; Winner of the 2007 Robert Jervis and Paul Schroeder Best Book Award, International History and Politics section, by APSA
  • Elements for a Sociology of Globalization [or A Sociology of Globalization] (W.W. Norton, 2007) ISBN 0-393-92726-1.
  • Cities in a world economy (Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Pine Forge Press, 2006) updated 3rd ed., original 1994; Series: Sociology for a new century, ISBN 1-4129-3680-2.
  • The global city : New York, London, Tokyo (Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2001) updated 2d ed., original 1991; ISBN 0-691-07063-6.
  • Guests and aliens (New York: New Press, 1999) ISBN 1-56584-608-7.
  • Globalization and its discontents. Essays on the New Mobility of People and Money (New York: New Press, 1998), ISBN 1-56584-518-8.
  • Losing control? Sovereignty in An Age of Globalization (New York: Columbia University Press, 1996) Series : University seminars — Leonard Hastings Schoff memorial lectures, ISBN 0-231-10608-4.
  • The Mobility of Labor and Capital. A Study in International Investment and Labor Flow (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988) ISBN 0-521-38672-1.
  • The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991) 1st ed. ISBN 0-691-07063-6.

Derleme kitapları

Kitap bölümleri

  • "Electronic markets and activist networks: The weight of social logics in digital formations", in Digital Formations: IT and New Architectures in the Global Realm, eds. Robert Latham and Saskia Sassen (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005) ISBN 0-691-11986-4, ISBN 0-691-11987-2, p. 54-88.
  • "Beyond sovereignty: de facto transnationalism in immigration policy", in eds. Friedmann, Jonathan and Randeria, Shalini, Worlds on the move : globalization, migration, and cultural security (London ; New York : Tauris 2004) xix, 372 p., 24 см, Series : Toda institute book series on global peace and policy 6, ISBN 1-86064-951-3.
  • "Mediating practices : women with/in cyberspace", in eds. John Armitage and Joanne Roberts, Living with cyberspace : technology & society in the 21st century (London : Athlone ; New York : Continuum, 2002) viii, 203 p., ISBN 0-485-00444-5, ISBN 0-485-00636-7, ISBN 0-8264-6035-6, ISBN 0-8264-6036-4.


"What happens when we look at the history of immigration for clues about what is a constraint and what is a possibility? Historical demography shows us that all European societies have incorporated foreign immigrant groups and that it has often taken no more than a few generations to turn them into a community that can experience solidarity..."

"Yesterday's attack brings home the fact that we cannot hide behind our peace and prosperity. The evidence has been growing but our leaders did not want to see it. The horrors of wars and deaths far away in the global south do not register. But missile shields cannot protect us. Powerful states cannot fully escape bricolage terrorism, nail bombs, elementary nuclear devices, and homemade biological weapons.
"The attacks are a language of last resort: the oppressed and persecuted have used many languages to reach us so far, but we seem unable to translate the meaning. So a few have taken the personal responsibility to speak in a language that needs no translation.
"The growth of debt and unemployment, and the decline of traditional economic sectors, has fed an illegal trade in people..."
"...the debate about whether or not to allow the entry of foreign hi-tech workers is but one element of a far broader and more fundamental reconfiguring of specialised labour markets under the impact of economic globalisation."
  • "in Britain: special report — Home truths: The notion that the west is threatened with mass invasions of immigrants is a myth", The Guardian, Saturday April 15, 2000.
  • "Women's burden : counter-geographies of globalization and the feminization of survival", Journal of international affairs, [New York], volume 53, number 2, p. 504-524, 2000, ISSN 0022-197X.
  • Cities : between global actors and local conditions (College Park, MD. : Urban Studies and Planning Program, University of Maryland, c1999) "The 1997 Lefrak monograph".
  • "Beyond Sovereignty: De-Facto Transnationalism in Immigration Policy", in European Journal of Migration and Law, volume 1, p. 177-198, 1999; also published as The De-facto Transnationalizing of Immigration Policy (Florence: Robert Schuman Centre at the European University Institute, 1996).
  • "Global financial centers", in Foreign affairs, [New York], volume 78, number 1, p. 75-87, 1999, ISSN 0015-7120.
  • The De-facto Transnationalizing of Immigration Policy (Florence: Robert Schuman Centre at the European University Institute, 1996); [also published as "Beyond Sovereignty: De-Facto Transnationalism in Immigration Policy", in European Journal of Migration and Law, volume 1, 1999, p. 177-198.]
  • Transnational economies and national migration policies (Amsterdam : Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, University of Amsterdam, 1996) ISBN 90-5589-038-3.
  • "Analytic borderlands : race, gender and representation in the new city", in ed. King, Anthony D., Re-presenting the city : ethnicity, capital, and culture in the 21st-century metropolis (New York : New York University Press, 1996) p. 183-202, ISBN 0-8147-4678-0, ISBN 0-8147-4679-9.
  • [with Morita, Kiriro], "The New illegal immigration in Japan 1980-1992", in The international migration review (New York : Center for Migration Studies, 1994), volume 28, number 1, p. 153-163, ISSN 0197-9183.
  • [with Smith, Robert] Post-industrial employment and third world immigration : casualization and the New Mexican migration in New York (New York, N.Y. : Columbia University, Institute of Latin American and Iberian Studies, 1991) Series : Papers on Latin America #26.
  • New York City's informal economy (Los Angeles, Calif. : University of California Los Angeles, Institute for Social Science Research, [1988?]) Series : ISSR working papers in the social sciences, 1988–89, volume 4, number 9.


  • [as Sassen-Koob, Saskia] Non-dominant ethnic populations as a possible component of the U.S. political economy : the case of blacks and Chicanos (Dissertation, Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, 1974).
  • [as Sassen-Koob, Saskia] Social stratification, ethnicity and ideology : Anglos and Chicanos in the United States (Thesis, M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1971).


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