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Messiah Part II

Mesih (HWV 56), 1741 yılında George Frideric Handel tarafından bestelenen İngilizce oratoryo.

Part II özeti

Nov Bär Başlık/Giriş Form Anahtar
2219Behold the Lamb of GodKoroG minor
2320He was despisedAir, AltoE-flat major
2421Surely, He hath borne our grievesKoroA-flat major
2522And with His stripes we are healedKoroF minor
2623All we like sheepKoroF major
2724All they that see Him, laughAccompagnato, TenorB-flat minor
2825He trusted in GodKoroC minor
2926Thy rebuke hath broken His heartAccompagnato, Tenorvarious
3027Behold, and seeArioso, Tenore minor
3128He was cut off outAccompagnato, Tenor or Sopranob minor
3229But Thou didst not leave his soulAir, Tenor or SopranoA major
3330Lift up your headsKoro SSATBF major
34Unto which of the angelsRecitative, TenorD minor
3531Let all the angels of GodKoroD major
3632Thou art gone up on highAir, Alto, Soprano, or BassD minor (Alto and Bass) / G minor (Soprano)
3733The Lord gave the wordKoroB-flat major
3834How beautiful are the feetDuet, Altos or Soprano & Alto Koro or Air, Soprano or AltoD minor (Duet and Koro) / G minor (Soprano) / C minor (Alto)
3935Their sound is gone outArioso, Tenor or KoroF major (Tenor) / E-flat major (Koro)
4036Why do the nations so furiously rageAir, BassC major
4137Let us break their bonds asunderKoroC major
42He that dwelleth in heavenRecitative, TenorA major
4338Thou shalt break themAir, TenorA minor
4439HallelujahKoroD major