Kriegsmarine savaş gemileri listesi

Kriegsmarine'de (1938 - 1945 yıllar arasında) hizmet etmiş olan savaş gemileri listesi:
Başlıca gemiler

Zırhlılar / Schlachtschiff
- Bismarck sınıfı (42,000 tons, 8 x 380 mm guns)
- Bismarck, 1939 - Bismarck'ın son muharebesi
- Tirpitz, 1939 - Tungsten Harekâtı
- Scharnhorst sınıfı (35,000 tons, 9 x 280 mm guns)
- Gneisenau, 1936
- Scharnhorst, 1936 - Kuzey Burnu Deniz Muharebesi
Dreadnought öncesi / Linienschiffe
- Deutschland sınıfı zırhlı (15,000 tons, 4 x 280mm guns)
- Schleswig-Holstein, 1906
- Schlesien, 1906
Ağır kruvazörler / Schwere Kreuzer
- Deutschland sınıfı (12,000 tons, 6 x 280 mm guns)
- Deutschland, 1931 (Lützow)
- Admiral Graf Spee, 1933 - Río de la Plata Muharebesi
- Admiral Scheer, 1934
- Admiral Hipper sınıfı (14,000 tons, 8 x 203 mm guns)
- Admiral Hipper, 1937
- Blücher, 1937 - Oslofjord Muharebesi
- Prinz Eugen, 1938 - Crossroads Harekâtı
- Seydlitz, tamamlanmamıştır
- Lützow, tamamlanmamıştır
Hafif kruvazörler / Leichte Kreuzer
- Emden sınıfı (6,000 tons, 8 x 150 mm guns)
- Emden, 1925
- K sınıfı (7,200 tons, 9 x 150 mm guns)
- Königsberg, 1925
- Karlsruhe, 1927
- Köln, 1928
- Leipzig sınıfı (8,000 tons, 9 x 150 mm guns)
- Leipzig, 1929
- Nürnberg, 1934
Muhripler ve Torpidobotları
Muhripler / Zerstörer

- Zerstörer/Typ 1934 (3,155 tons, 5 × 127 mm guns)
- Z1 Leberecht Maas 1937
- Z2 Georg Thiele 1937
- Z3 Max Schultz 1937
- Z4 Richard Beitzen 1937
- Zerstörer/Typ 1934 A
- Z5 Paul Jacobi
- Z6 Theodor Riedel
- Z7 Hermann Schoemann
- Z8 Bruno Heinemann
- Z9 Wolfgang Zenker
- Z10 Hans Lody
- Z11 Bernd von Arnim
- Z12 Erich Giese
- Z13 Erich Koellner
- Z14 Friedrich Ihn
- Z15 Erich Steinbrinck
- Z16 Friedrich Eckoldt
- Zerstörer/Typ 1936
- Z17 Diether von Roeder
- Z18 Hans Lüdemann
- Z19 Hermann Künne
- Z20 Karl Galster
- Z21 Wilhelm Heidkamp
- Z22 Anton Schmitt
- Zerstörer/Typ 1936 A (Narvik)
- Z23 through Z30
- Zerstörer/Typ 1936 A (Mob)
- Z31 through Z34
- Z37 through Z39
- Zerstörer/Typ 1936 B
- Z35 through Z36
- Z43 through Z45
Torpidobotlar / Flottentorpedoboot

- Torpedoboot 1923 ("Raubvogel") (900 tons, 3 x 105 mm guns)
- Möwe
- Falke
- Greif
- Kondor
- Albatros
- Seeadler
- Torpedoboot 1924 ("Raubtier") (950 tons, 3 x 105 mm guns)
- Wolf
- Iltis
- Jaguar
- Leopard
- Luchs''
- Tiger
- Torpedoboot 1935 (1,090 tons, 1 x 105 mm gun)
- T1 through T12
- Torpedoboot 1937 (1,150 tons, 1 x 105 mm gun)
- T13 through T21
- Flottentorpedoboot 1939 (Elbing) (1,750 tons, 4 x 105 mm guns)
- T22 through T36
Yardımcı kruvazörler / Hilfskreuzer
- Orion
- Atlantis
- Widder
- Thor
- Pinguin
- Stier
- Komet
- Kormoran
- Michel
- Coronel
- Hansa
Mayın harbi gemileri ve tekneleri
Mayın döşeme gemileri / Minenleger
- Tannenberg 1935 (5,500 tons, 3 x 150mm guns, 460 mines)
- Brandenburg 1936 (3,900 tons, 3 x 105mm guns, 250 mines)
- Lothringen 1941 (2,000 tons, 2 x 88mm guns, 200 mines)
- Niedersachsen 1934 (1,800 tons, 2 x 105mm guns, 260 mines
- Drache 1924 (1,800 tons, 2 x 88mm guns, 120 mines)
- Brummer 1940 (3 × 10.5 cm guns, 2 × 3.7 cm anti-aircraft guns, 10 × 2 cm anti-aircraft guns, 4 × 46 cm torpedo tubes, 280 mines)
- Oldenburg 1934 (1,200 tons, 2 x 88mm guns, 145 mines
- Kamerun 1939 (370 tons, 2 x 88mm guns, 100 mines)
- Togo 1939 (370 tons, 2 x 88mm guns, 100 mines)
- Kiebitz 1943
Pathmaker / Sperrbrecher
- Sperrbrecher 1 - Sperrbrecher 100 (5,000 tons, 2 x 88mm guns)
M sınıfı mayın tarama gemileri / Minensuchboot
- M1935 class (875 tons, 2 x 105mm guns)
- M1 - M69
- M1940 class (775 tons, 1 x 105mm gun)
- M70 - M196
- M1943 class (825 tons, 2 x 105mm guns)
- M197 - M214
R-bootlar /Räumboote
- R1 class 1929 (60 tons, 1 x 37mm gun, 6 mines
- R1 - R16
- R17 class 1934 (115 tons, 1 x 37mm gun, 12 mines)
- R17 - R24
- R25 class 1938 (110 tons, 1 x 37mm gun, 12 mines)
- R25 - R40
- R41 class 1939 (125 tons, 1 x 37mm gun, 12 mines)
- R41 - R129
- R130 class 1940 (150 tons, 1 x 37mm gun, 12 mines)
- R130 - R150
- R151 class 1940 (125 tons, 1 x 37mm gun, 12 mines)
- R151 - R217
- R218 class 1942 (140 tons, 1 x 37mm gun, 16 mines)
- R218 - R300
- R301 class 1942 (160 tons, 1 x 88mm gun, 16 mines, 2 torpedo tubes)
- R301 - R312
Mayın avlama gemileri / Küstenminenleger
- KM1 - KM36
Küçük tekneler
E-bootlar / Schnellboot
- S-1 class (50 tons, 1 x 20mm gun, 2 torpedo tubes)
- S1 - S25
- S-26 class (75 tons, 1 x 20mm gun, 2 torpedo tubes)
- S26 - S29
- S-30 class (80 tons, 1 x 20mm gun, 2 torpedo tubes)
- S30 - S37
- S-38 class (80 tons, 1 x 20mm gun, 2 torpedo tubes)
- S38 - S60
- S-38b class (90 tons, 2 x 20mm guns, 2 torpedo tubes)
- S61 - S99
- S-100 class (100 tons, 1 x 37mm gun, 2 torpedo tubes)
- S100 - S150
- S-151 class (100 tons, 1 x 37mm gun, 2 torpedo tubes)
- S151 - S205
U-bootlar / Unterseeboote

Eğitim denizaltıları
- Type I Unterseeboote
- U25 and U26
Sahil denizaltıları
- Type IIA Unterseeboote
- U1 through U6
- Type IIB Unterseeboote
- U7 through U24
- U120 and U121
- Type IIC Unterseeboote
- U56 through U63
- Type IID Unterseeboote
- U137 through U152
- Type XVIIB Unterseeboote
- U1405 through U1407
Okyanus aşırı denizaltıları
- Type VIIA Unterseeboote
- U27 through U36
- Type VIIB Unterseeboote
- U45 through U55
- U73 through U76
- U83 through U87
- U99 through U102
- Type VIIC Unterseeboote
- U69 through U72
- U77 through U82
- U88 through U98
- U132 through U136
- U201 through U212
- U221 through U232
- U235 through U291
- U301 through U316
- U331 through U394
- U396 through U458
- U465 through U486
- U551 through U683
- U701 through U722
- U731 through U768
- U771 through U779
- U821 through U822
- U825 and U826
- U901 through U907
- U921 through U928
- U951 through U994
- U1051 through U1058
- U1101 and U1102
- U1131 and U1132
- U1161 and U1162
- U1191 through U1210
- Type VIIC 41 Unterseeboote
- U292 through U300
- U317 through U328
- U827 and U828
- U929 and U930
- U995 through U1010
- U1013 through U1025
- U1063 through U1065
- U1103 through U1110
- U1163 through U1172
- U1271 through U1279
- U1301 through U1308
- Type IXA Unterseeboote
- U37 through U44
- Type IXB Unterseeboote
- U64 and U65
- U103 through U111
- U122 through U124
- Type IXC Unterseeboote
- U66 through U68
- U125 through U131
- U153 through U166
- U171 through U176
- U501 through U524
- Type IXC 40 Unterseeboote
- U167 through U170
- U183 through U194
- U525 through U550
- U801 through U806
- U841 through U846
- U853 through U858
- U877 through U899
- U1221 through U1235
- Type IXD Unterseeboote
- U177 through U182
- U195 through U200
- U847 through U852
- U859 through U864
- U871 through U876
Mayın döşeme denizaltıları
- Type VIID Unterseeboote
- U213 through U218
- Type XB Unterseeboote
- U116 through U119
Tedarik denizaltıları
- Type VIIF Unterseeboote
- U1059 through U1062
- Type IXD /42 Unterseeboot
- U883 and U884
- Type XB Unterseeboote
- U219 and U220
- U233 and U234
- Type XIV Unterseeboote
- U459 through U464
- U487 through U490
Elektrik denizaltıları
- Type XXI Unterseeboote
- U2501 through U2531
- U2533 through U2548
- U2551 and U2552
- U3001 through U3044
- U3501 through U3530
- Type XXIII Unterseeboote
- U2321 through U2371
- U4701 through U4707
- U4709 through U4712
Küçük denizaltılar
- Seehund (17 tons, 2 x torpedoes)
- 138 commissioned
- Hecht (Training)
- 53 commissioned
- Biber (6.5 tons, 2 x torpedoes)
- 324 commissioned
- Molch (11 tons, 2 x torpedoes)
- 393 commissioned
- Delphin (Prototype)
- 3 commissioned
- Seeteufel (Prototype)
- 1 commissioned
- Schwertwal (Prototype)
- 1 commissioned
İnsan torpidoları
- Neger (1 x torpedo)
- 200 commissioned
- Marder (3 tons, 1 x torpedo)
- 500 commissioned
- Hai (Prototype)
- 1 commissioned
Yardımcı gemileri
Troop Ships
- Cap Arcona, 1927
- Deutschland, 1923
- Goya, 1940
- Steuben, 1923
- Wilhelm Gustloff, 1937
Yardımcı alıştırma gemileri / Artillerieschulschiffe
- Bremse 1933 (1,800 tons, 4 x 127mm guns, 280 mines)
- Brummer 1934 (3,000 tons, 8 x 105mm guns, 480 mines)
- Admiral Hugo Zeye, 1942
Radyo-kontrollü hedefler
- Braunschweig class battleship
- Hessen, 1900
- Wittelsbach class battleship
- Zahringen, 1898
Sail Training Ships / Segelschulschiffe
- Segelschulschiff Niobe, 1913
- Segelschulschiff Gorch Fock, 1933 (Russian training ship Tovarishch)
- Segelschulschiff Horst Wessel, 1936 (US Coast Guard Ship Eagle)
- Segelschulschiff Albert Leo Schlageter, 1937 (Portuguese training ship Sagres II)
Floating AA Batteries / Schwimmende Flakbatterien
- Scout Cruiser Arcona
- Scout Cruiser Medusa
- Dutch coastal defence ship Gelderland
- Norwegian coastal defence ship Tordenskjold
- Norwegian coastal defence ship Harald Haarfagre
Escort / Flottenbegleiter
- F class (700 tons, 2 x 105mm guns)
- F1 - F10
Gumbotlar / Leichte Schnellboote
- LS1 - LS12
Ele geçirilen yabancı gemiler
A significant number of foreign warships were captured and recommissioned into the Kriegsmarine. Some were never completted.
- French battleship Clemenceau, captured 1941, launched 1943 (never completed)
- Soviet battleship Sovetskaya Ukraina, laid down 1938, captured 1941 (never completed)
Tamamlanmamış gemiler
- Graf Zeppelin sınıfı
- Graf Zeppelin - 1938'de deniz girmiş fakat tamamlanmamıştır.
- Flugzeugträger B - denize girmemiştir.
Ağır kruvazörler
- Seydlitz - (tamamlanmamış ve hafif uçak gemisi olarak sınıfı değiştirmeyi planlandıysa gerçekleştirilmemiştir.)
- Lützow - (tamamlanmamış ve 1939'da SSCB'e satılmıştır.)
- Zerstörer 1936C
- Zerstörer 1938A/Ac
- Zerstörer 1938B
- Zerstörer 1942: Z51 1944'te denize girmiş ancak bombalanıp tamamlanmamıştır.
- Zerstörer 1944
- Zerstörer 1945
- Spähkreuzer
- Flottentorpedoboot 1940 (tamamlanmamış)
- Flottentorpedoboot 1941 (tamamlanmamış)
- Flottentorpedoboot 1944 (tamamlanmamış)