Kayaç türü listesi
Aşağıda, jeologlar tarafından tanımlanmış kayaç türlerinin bir listesi bulunmaktadır. Kararlaştırılan sayıda belli kayaç türleri yoktur. Kimyasal bileşim, mineraloji, tane boyutu, doku veya diğer ayırt edici özelliklerin herhangi bir benzersiz kombinasyonu, yeni bir kayaç türüne işaret edebilir. Ek olarak, her ana kayaç türü için farklı sınıflandırma sistemleri bulunur.[1] Magmatik kayaç, metamorfik kayaç ve tortul kayaç olmak üzere üç ana kayaç türü vardır.
Magmatik kayaçlar

- Adakit
- Andezit
- Alkali feldspar granit
- Anortosit
- Aplit
- Bazalt
- ʻAʻā – Basaltic lava with a crumpled appearance
- Pāhoehoe – Basaltic lava with a flowing, often ropy appearance
- Bazaltik trakiandezit
- Mugearit
- Şoşonit
- Bazanit
- Blairmorit
- Boninit
- Karbonatit
- Çarnokit
- Enderbit
- Dasit
- Diyabaz, dolerit olarak da bilinir
- Diyorit
- Napolyonit, korsit olarak da bilinir
- Dunit
- Esseksit
- Foyidolit
- Gabro
- Granit
- Granodiyorit
- Granofir
- Harzburgit
- Hornblendit
- Hiyaloklastit
- İzlandit
- İgnimbirit
- İjolit
- Kimberlit
- Komatiit
- Lamproit
- Lamprofir – An ultramafic, ultrapotassic intrusive rock dominated by mafic phenocrysts in a feldspar groundmass
- Latit – A silica-undersaturated form of andesite
- Lerzolit – An ultramafic rock, essentially a peridotite
- Monzogranit – A silica-undersaturated granite with <5% normative quartz
- Monzonit – a plutonic rock with <5% normative quartz
- Nefelinli siyenit – A silica-undersaturated plutonic rock of nepheline and alkali feldspar
- Nefelinit – A silica-undersaturated plutonic rock with >90% nepheline
- Norit – A hypersthene-bearing gabbro
- Obsidyen
- Pegmatit
- Peridotit
- Fonolit – A silica-undersaturated volcanic rock; essentially similar to nepheline syenite
- Fonotefrit – A volcanic rock with a composition between phonolite and tephrite
- Pikrit – An olivine-bearing basalt
- Porfiri
- Ponza taşı
- Piroksenit - a coarse grained plutonic rock composed of >90% pyroxene
- Kuvars diyorit – A diorite with >5% modal quartz
- Kuvars monzonit – An intermediate plutonic rock, essentially a monzonite with 5–10% modal quartz
- Kuvarsolit – An intrusive rock composed mostly of quartz
- Riyodasit – A felsic volcanic rock which is intermediate between a rhyolite and a dacite
- Riyolit
- Komendit
- Pantellerit
- Skorya
- Şonkinit – a plutonic rock
- Sövit – A coarse-grained carbonatite rock
- Siyenit – A plutonic rock dominated by orthoclase feldspar; a type of granitoid
- Takilit – Essentially a basaltic glass
- Tefrifonolit – A volcanic rock with a composition between phonotephrite and phonolite
- Tefrit – A silica-undersaturated volcanic rock
- Tonalit – A plagioclase-dominant granitoid
- Trakiandezit – An alkaline intermediate volcanic rock
- Benmoreit - sodic trachyandesite
- Trakibazalt – A volcanic rock with a composition between basalt and trachyte
- Trakit – A silica-undersaturated volcanic rock; essentially a feldspathoid-bearing rhyolite
- Troktolit – A plutonic ultramafic rock containing olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase
- Trondhjemit – A form of tonalite where plagioclase-group feldspar is oligoclase
- Tüf
- Vebsterit – A type of pyroxenite, composed of clinoproxene and orthopyroxene
- Verlit - An ultramafic plutonic or cumulate rock, a type of peridotite, composed of olivine and clinopyroxene
Tortul kayaçlar

- Argilit
- Arkoz
- Bantlı demir formasyonu
- Breş
- Kalkerenit
- Tebeşir (kayaç)
- Çört
- Kiltaşı
- Kömür
- Konglomera
- Kavkaa
- Diyamiktit
- Diatom toprağı
- Dolomit
- Evaporit
- Çakmak taşı
- Gayzerit
- Grovak
- Gre taşı
- İtakolumit
- Jaspilit
- Laterit
- Linyit
- Kireç taşı
- Marn
- Çamurtaşı
- Petrollü şeyl
- Ovolit
- Fosforit – A non-detrital sedimentary rock that contains high amounts of phosphate minerals
- Kumtaşı
- Şeyl
- Silttaşı
- Silvinit
- Tillit
- Traverten
- Süngertaşı
- Türbidit
- Vaketaşı
Metamorfik kayaçlar

- Antrasit
- Amfibolit
- Mavi şist
- Kataklasit – A rock formed by faulting
- Eklojit
- Gnays
- Granülit
- Yeşil şist – A mafic metamorphic rock dominated by green amphiboles
- Boynuztaşı
- Kalkflinta – A type of hornfels found in the Scottish Highlands
- Litchfieldit – Nepheline syenite gneiss
- Mermer – a metamorphosed limestone
- Migmatit
- Milonit – A metamorphic rock formed by shearing
- Pelit (jeoloji) – A metamorphic rock with a protolith of clay-rich (siltstone) sedimentary rock
- Metapsammite – A metamorphic rock with a protolith of quartz-rich (sandstone) sedimentary rock
- Fillit – A low grade metamorphic rock composed mostly of micaceous minerals
- Psödotakitilit – A glass formed by melting within a fault via friction
- Kuvarsit – A metamorphosed sandstone typically composed of >95% quartz
- Şist
- Serpentinit
- Skarn
- Kayrak - A low grade metamorphic rock formed from shale or silts
- Süevit – A rock formed by partial melting during a meteorite impact
- Talk karbonat – A metamorphosed ultramafic rock with talc as an essential constituent; similar to a serpentinite
- Tektonit – A rock whose fabric reflects the history of its deformation
- Beyaz şist – A high pressure metamorphic rock containing talc and kyanite

Özel kayaç çeşitleri
- Adamellit – A variety of quartz monzonite
- Appinit – A group of varieties of lamprophyre, mostly rich in hornblende
- Afanit
- Borolanit – A variety of nepheline syenite from Loch Borralan, Scotland
- Mavi granit
- Epidosit
- Felsit
- Çakmak taşı
- Ganister
- Gossan
- Hiyaloklastit
- İjolit
- Jadeitit
- Jasperoid – A hematite-silica metasomatite analogous to a skarn
- Kenyit - A variety of phonolite, first found on Mount Kenya
- Lapis lazuli - A rock composed of lazurite and other minerals
- Larvikit
- Litchfieldit – A metamorphosed nepheline syenite occurrence near Litchfield, Maine
- Lanit – A hypabyssal rhyolite with microcline and blue quartz phenocrysts from the Llano Uplift in Texas
- Luksulyanit
- Mangerit
- Minette – A variety of lamprophyre
- Novakülit – A type of chert found in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Texas
- Kaplan gözü
- Pirolit – A chemical analogue considered to theoretically represent the earth's upper mantle
- Rapakivi graniti
- Rombik porfiri – A type of latite with euhedral rhombic phenocrysts of feldspar
- Rodenjit – A mafic rock metasomatized by serpentinization fluids
- Şonkinit – melitilic and kalsititic rocks
- Takonit
- Takilit
- Teşenit – A silica undersaturated, analcime bearing gabbro
- Teralit – A nepheline gabbro
- Unakit – An altered granite
- Variyolit
- Vogesit – A variety of lamprophyre
- Vad – A rock rich in manganese oxide or manganese hydroxide
Ayrıca bakınız
- ^ "BGS Rock Classification Scheme - Igneous - Metamorphic - Sedimentary - Superficial". British Geological Survey (BGS). 28 Nisan 2001 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 28 Mayıs 2019.
Dış bağlantılar
- British Geological Survey 21 Eylül 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- Igneous rock classification29 Ağustos 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- Rock Types Article by Encyclopaedia Britannica 29 Nisan 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- Classification of common rocks and soils 9 Temmuz 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- Metamorphic Rock Classification
- Volcanic rocks
- Earth Science Education Unit virtual rock kit 29 Ağustos 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.