"I Feel Loved", Depeche Mode'in ikinci albümü Exciter'tan bir şarkı.
Stüdyo albümleri | |
Toplama albümler | - People Are People
- The Singles 81→85
- Catching Up with Depeche Mode
- Greatest Hits
- The Singles 86>98
- Remixes 81–04
- The Best of Depeche Mode Volume 1
- The Complete Depeche Mode
- Remixes 2: 81–11
Konser albümleri | - 101
- Songs of Faith and Devotion Live
- Recording the Angel
- Recording the Universe
Video albümleri | - The World We Live In and Live in Hamburg
- Some Great Videos
- Strange
- 101
- Strange Too
- Devotional
- The Videos 86>98
- One Night in Paris
- Touring the Angel: Live in Milan
- The Best of Videos Volume 1
- Tour of the Universe: Barcelona 20/21.11.09
- Live in Berlin
Single'lar | |
Konser turneleri | - 1980 Tour
- 1981 Tour
- See You Tour
- Broken Frame Tour
- Construction Time Again Tour
- Some Great Reward Tour
- Black Celebration Tour
- Music for the Masses Tour
- World Violation Tour
- Devotional Tour
- Exotic Tour/Summer Tour '94
- The Singles Tour
- Exciter Tour
- Touring the Angel
- Tour of the Universe
- The Delta Machine Tour
- Global Spirit Tour
Hatıra albümleri | - I Sometimes Wish I Was Famous
- For the Masses
- Color Theory Presents Depeche Mode
İlgili | |
Maddeler | - Depeche Mode discography
- Depeche Mode videography
- Depeche Mode tours
- Awards and nominations
- Synthpop
Gruplar | - Yazoo
- The Assembly
- Erasure
- Recoil
- Nitzer Ebb
- Client
- Das Shadow
- Compact Space
- Miranda Sex Garden
- Soulsavers
Albümler | |
Plak şirketleri | |
Kişiler | |