II. Dünya Savaşı filmleri ve TV programları listesi
II. Dünya Savaşı filmleri ve TV programları listesi
Kış Savaşı (1939–1940)
- Ski Patrol (1940)
- Talvisota (The Winter War) (1989)
Devam Savaşı (1941-1944)
- Etulinjan Edessä (Beyond Front Line) (2004)
- Lupaus (Promise) (2006)
- Sissit (1963)
- Rukajärven tie (Ambush) (1999)
- Tali-Ihantala 1944 (2008)
- Käki (The Cuckoo) (2001)
- Tuntematon Sotilas (The Unknown Soldier) (1954)
- Tuntematon Sotilas (The Unknown Soldier) (1985)
Atlantik Cephesi
- Action in the North Atlantic (1943) - Atlantik Muharebesi
- Battle of the River Plate (1956)
- Corvette K-225 (1943)
- Das Boot (1981)
- Crash Dive (1943)
- The Cruel Sea (1953)
- The Enemy Below (1957)
- Foreign Correspondent (1940)
- Forty-Ninth Parallel (1941)
- Islands in the Stream (film) (1977)
- Murphy's War (1971)
- U-571 (2000)
- Sink the Bismarck (1960)
- The Sea Wolves (1980) - Hindistan
- Greyhound (2020)
Batı Cephesi
Britanya Savaşı (1940)
- Angels One Five (1952)
- Reach for the Sky (1956)
- Battle of Britain (1969)
- Hope and Glory (1987)
- Dark Blue World (2001)
Normandiya Çıkarması (1944)
- D-Day the Sixth of June (1956)
- The Dirty Dozen (1967)
- Ike: Countdown to D-Day (2004)
- Saving Private Ryan (1998)
- The Longest Day (1962)
- 13 Rue Madeleine (1947) Casus filmi
- 633 Squadron (1963) - Kraliyet Hava Kuvvetleri
- Atonement (2007), depiction of Dunkirk before the evacuation
- Attack! (1956)
- Band of Brothers (2001 TV miniseries)
- La Bataille du rail (1945)
- Battle At Bloody Beach (1961)
- Battle of the Bulge (1965), depiction of the Battle of the Bulge
- Battleground (1949)
- Beach Red (1967)
- Attack on the Iron Coast (1967)
- The Best of Enemies (1962)
- The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
- The Big Red One (1980)
- Zwartboek (2006)
- Black Brigade (1970)
- The Bridge at Remagen (1969)
- A Bridge Too Far (1977) - Market Garden Harekâtı
- The Red Ball Express (1952)
- Captains of the Clouds (1942)
- Castle Keep (1969) - Tek Gözlü Kahraman
- Catch-22 (1970)
- Command Decision (1948) - USAAF
- Commandos Strike at Dawn (1942)
- The Dam Busters (1954)
- Danger Within (1958)
- Dunkirk (1958)
- The Eagle Has Landed (1976) - İngiltere
- Days of Glory (2006) - Özgür Fransa
- Decision Before Dawn (1951)
- Dieppe (1993) (TV film) - by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
- The Devil's Brigade (film) (1968)
- Force Ten from Navarone (1978)
- La Grande Vadrouille (1966)
- The Guns of Navarone (1961)
- Hart's War (2002)
- Hell Is for Heroes (1962)
- The Heroes of Telemark (1965)
- In Which We Serve (1942)
- Is Paris Burning? (1966), depiction of the Liberation of Paris
- Kelly's Heroes (1970)
- The McKenzie Break (1970) - İskoçya
- The Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress (1944)
- Memphis Belle (1990)
- A Midnight Clear (1992)
- Mrs. Miniver (1942) - İngiltere
- The Next of Kin (1942)
- One of Our Aircraft Is Missing (1942)
- Saints and Soldiers (2003) - Bulge
- The Tanks are Coming (1951) - Siegfried Hattı
- To Hell and Back (1955)
- The Tuskegee Airmen (1995)
- Twelve O'Clock High (1949)
- Went the Day Well? (1942) - İngiltere
- When Trumpets Fade (1998) - Hürtgen Ormanı Muharebesi
- The Young Lions (1958)
"Nisei" birlikleri
- Go for Broke! (1951) -
- Little Iron Men (2008) - 442. Piyade Alayı
- Only the Brave (2005) - 100. Piyade Taburu
Akdeniz Cephesi
- Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001)
- Casablanca (1941)
- Ill Met By Moonlight (1957)
- Where Eagles Dare (1969)
- The Battle of Neretva (1969) - Yugo
Kuzey Afrika Cephesi (1940-1943)
- La Battaglia di El Alamein (1969)
- The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel (1951)
- The Desert Rats (1953)
- El Alamein - La linea del fuoco (2002)
- Patton (1970), depiction of the Battle of El Guettar
- Raid On Rommel (1971)
- Sahara (1943)
- Tobruk (1967)
- The Way Ahead (1944)
İtalya Cephesi
- Anzio (1968) - Anzio Muharebesi
- Miracle at St. Anna (2008)
- Mussolini and I (1985) (TV mini-series)
- Mussolini: Ultimo atto (Mussolini: The Last Four Days) (1974)
- Roma, città aperta
- La Notte di San Lorenzo (1982)
- The Story of G.I. Joe (1945)
- Vivere in pace (1947)
- What Did You Do in the War, Daddy? (1966)
Doğu Cephesi (1941-1945)
Stalingrad Savaşı (1942-1943)
- Hunde Wollt ihr Ewig Leben (1959)
- I Girasoli (1970) - Uranüs Operasyonu
- Горячий снег (Goryachiy sneg) (1972)
- Сталинград (Stalingrad) (1989)
- Stalingrad (1993)
- Enemy at the Gates (2001)
- 08/15 (1. Teil) (1954)
- 08/15 - Im Krieg (2. Teil) (1955)
- 08/15 - In der Heimat (3. Teil) (1955)
- A zori zdes tikhie (1972) Sakindi Oranın Şafakları (The Dawns Here Are Quiet)
- Ballada o soldate (1959) ("Баллада о солдате")
- Come and See (1985) ("Иди и смотри")
- Letyat Zhuravli (1957) ("Летят журавли")
- Cross of Iron (1977)
- Seventeen Moments of Spring (1973 Soviet TV mini series) ("Семнадцать мгновений весны")
- Osvobozhdenie: Napravleniye glavnogo udara (1971) ("Освобождение")
- Ivanovo Detstvo (1963) (Иваново детство)
- Oni srazhalis za rodinu (1975) ("Они сражались за родину")
- Zvezda (2002) ("Звезда")
- Katyń (2007)
- The North Star (1943)
Pasifik Savaşı (1941-1945)
- The Pacific (ABD, 2010)
Pearl Harbor Saldırısı (1941)
- Hawaii Malee-oki Kaisen (Hawaii - Malaya Deniz Savaşları, Japonya, 1942)
- Air Force (ABD, 1943)
- From Here to Eternity (1953)
- Taiheiyō no Washi (Pasifik Okyanusu'nun Kartalı, Japonya, 1953)
- Taiheiyō no Arashi (Pasifik Okyanusu'nun Fırtınası, Japonya, 1960)
- Tora! Tora! Tora! (ABD-Japonya, 1970)
- Animentary Ketsudan (Japonca: アニメンタリー 決断, 1971, 1. Bölüm: 'Shinju Wan') Açılış 9 Haziran 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
- The Final Countdown (ABD, 1980, Kurgu)
- Pearl Harbor (ABD, 2001)
- Konpeki no kantai (Japonca: 紺碧の艦隊, 'Kurgu) Fragman 2 Ekim 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
Midway Savaşı (1942)
- Midway (1976), depiction of the Midway Muharebesi
- Midway (2019), depiction of the Midway Muharebesi
Filipinler (1941-1945)
- Aguila (1980)
- Aishite Imasu 1941: Mahal Kita (2004)
- Alab ng Lahi (2003)
- American Guerrilla in the Philippines (1950)
- Gatas... Sa dibdib ng kaaway (2001)
- Markova: Comfort Gay (2000)
- Back to Bataan (1945)
- Bataan (1943)
- Corregidor (1943)
- Oro, Plata, Mata (1982)
- Panaghoy sa Suba (2004)
- Pilipinas Kong Mahal (1965)
- Roman Rapido (1983)
- Tatlong taong walang Diyos (1976)
- Yamashita: The Tiger's Treasure (2001)
Güneybatı Asya
- Malaya (1949)
- The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
- The Burmese Harp (1956)
- Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (1983)
- The Children of Huang Shi (2008)
- Empire of the Sun (1987)
- Flying Tigers (1942)
- John Rabe (2009)
Guadalcanal Savaşı
- Guadalcanal Diary (1943)
- The Thin Red Line (1998) - Guadalcanal Savaşı
Yeni Gine Cephesi
- Kokoda (2006) (TV dizisi)
- 1941 (1979, Bilimkurgu)
- Attack Force Z (1981) depiction of a battle involving the Z Special Unit
- Blood Oath (1990; also known as Prisoners of the Sun)
- The Caine Mutiny (1954)
- Destination Tokyo (1943)
- To End All Wars (2001)
- Father Goose (1964)
- The Fighting Seabees (1944)
- The Fighting Sullivans (1942)
- Flying Leathernecks (1951)
- The Frogmen (1951)
- Gung Ho! (1943)
- The Great Raid (2005)
- Halls of Montezuma (1950)
- Rengo kantai shirei chôkan: Yamamoto Isoroku (Admiral Yamato) (1968) - Isoroku Yamamoto
- In Harm's Way (1965)
- Marine Raiders (1944)
- Merrill's Marauders (1962)
- Morituri (1965 film) - Hindistan
- The Mountain Road (1961)
- Mr. Winkle Goes to War (1944)
- Otoko-tachi no Yamato (2005)
- Windtalkers (2002) - Saipan Muharebesi
- The Naked and the Dead (1958)
- No Man Is an Island (1962)
- Operation Pacific (1951)
- Operation Petticoat (1959)
- PT 109 (1963) - John F. Kennedy
- The Purple Heart (1944)
- Run Silent, Run Deep (1956)
- So Proudly We Hail! (1943)
- They Were Expendable (1945)
- Too Late the Hero (1970)
- Wake Island (1942)
Iwo Jima Muharebesi (1945)
- Flags of Our Fathers (2006)
- Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)
- The Outsider (1961), the story of Ira Hayes
- Sands of Iwo Jima (1949)
Stratejik bombardımanlar
- Grave of the Fireflies (1988)
- Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (1944)
Hiroşima'ya atom bombası saldırısı (1945)
Nagasaki'ye atom bombası saldırısı (1945)
- Rhapsody in August (1991)
Üçüncü Reich ve işgal bölgeleri
- Atentat (1964) - Anthropoid Operasyonu
- The Bunker (1980 TV filmi)
- The Captive Heart (1946)
- The Colditz Story (1954)
- Confessions of a Nazi Spy (1939)
- Der Untergang (2004)
- Escape from Sobibor (1987)
- Good (2008)
- The Great Escape (1963)
- Hangmen Also Die (1943) - Anthropoid Operasyonu (Reinhard Heydrich suikastı)
- Man Hunt (1941)
- Me and the Colonel (1958)
- The Night of the Generals (1967)
- Operation Daybreak (1975) - Anthropoid Operasyonu
- Soldier of Orange (1977) - Hollanda
- Stalag 17 (1953)
- This Land Is Mine (1943) - Fransa
- L'Armée des ombres (1969) - Fransız Direnişi
- To Have and Have Not (1944) - Vichy Fransası
- The Train (1964)
- Valkyrie (2009)
- Varian's War (2001) TV
- Von Ryan's Express (1965)
- The Wooden Horse (1950)
- Adam Resurrected
- Aimée & Jaguar
- Amen., (2002)
- Anne Frank: The Whole Story
- Apt Pupil
- The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank
- Au revoir, les enfants
- Bent, (1997)
- The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
- Conspiracy, (2001)
- Conspiracy of Hearts
- The Counterfeiters
- The Day the Clown Cried
- Death in Love
- Defiance
- The Devil's Arithmetic
- The Diary of Anne Frank
- Distant Journey
- Edges of the Lord
- Escape from Sobibor
- Europa Europa
- Fateless
- Father
- The Fifth Horseman is Fear
- Forbidden
- From Swastika to Jim Crow
- Fugitive Pieces
- God on Trial
- The Grey Zone, (2001)
- Hanuszka
- The Holocaust Experience
- Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport, (Doku, 2000)
- Jakob the Liar
- Kapò
- Korczak
- L'ultima orgia del III Reich
- The Last Stage
- Life Is Beautiful (La vita è bella, 1997)
- Madare sefr darajeh
- Marion's Triumph
- Miracle at Midnight
- Monsieur Klein
- Il Portiere di Notte (1974)
- Nirgendwo in Afrika (Nowhere in Africa), (2001)
- Nuit et Brouillard (1955)
- The Ninth Circle
- Out of the Ashes
- Paradise Camp
- Paragraph 175
- Passenger
- The Pawnbroker
- Perlasca
- The Pianist (2002)
- Pola's March
- The Reader (2008)
- Samson
- The Saved
- Schindler's List (1993)
- Seven Beauties
- Shadows of Memory
- The Shop on Main Street
- Sisters in Resistance
- The Sixth Battalion
- Shoah, (1985)
- Skokie
- Sophie's Choice
- A Story about a Bad Dream
- The Story of Chaim Rumkowski and the Jews of Lodz
- Sunshine, (1999)
- The Relief of Belsen
- They Were Not Silent
- Train of Life
- Les Uns et les Autres
- Uprising
- Visas and Virtue
- The Wannsee Conference
- War and Remembrance
- The Witness