H.G. Wells'in eserleri

H. G. Wells, altmış yılı aşkın yazım hayatında çok sayıda eser vermiş, ilk dönemlerinde yazdığı bilimkurgu romanlarıyla, Jules Verne ve Hugo Gernsback ile birlikte "Bilimkurgunun Babası" sayılmıştır.[1]
- The Chronic Argonauts (1888)
- Textbook of Biology (1893)
- Honours Physiography, R.A. Gregory ile birlikte, (1893)
- Select Conversations with an Uncle (1895)
- Zaman Makinesi (The Time Machine) (1895)
- The Wonderful Visit (1895)
- The Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents (1895)
- Dr.Moreau'nun Adası (The Island of Dr. Moreau) (1896)
- Kızıl Oda (The Red Room) (1896)
- The Wheels of Chance (1896)
- Duvardaki Kapı (The Plattner Story, and Others) (1897)
- Görünmez Adam (The Invisible Man) (1897)
- Certain Personal Matters (1897)
- The Crystal Egg - short story (1897)
- The Star - short story, Graphic, Christmas (1897)
- Dünyalar Savaşı (The War of the Worlds) (1898)
- When the Sleeper Wakes (1899) (sonraları The Sleeper Awakes (1910)
- Tales of Space and Time (1899)
- Love and Mr Lewisham (1900)
- The First Men in the Moon (1901)
- Anticipations (1901)
- The Discovery of the Future (1902)
- The Sea Lady (1902)
- Mankind in the Making (1903)
- Twelve Stories and a Dream (1903)
- The Scepticism of the Instrument - 8 Kasım 1903'te Oxford Felsefe Cemiyeti'ne sunulan bildirinin bir bölümü.
- The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth (1904)
- Kipps: The Story of a Simple Soul (1905)
- A Modern Utopia (1905)
- In the Days of the Comet (1906)
- The Future in America (1906)
- Faults of the Fabian (1906)
- Socialism and the Family (1906)
- Reconstruction of the Fabian Society (1906)
- This Misery of Boots (1907), Independent Review'den (Aralık 1905) alınarak basılmıştır.
- Will Socialism Destroy the Home? (paper, written in 1907)
- New Worlds for Old (1908)
- The War in the Air (1908)
- First and Last Things (1908)
- Ann Veronica (1909)
- Tono-Bungay (1909)
- The History of Mr. Polly (1910)
- Efendi Uyanıyor (The Sleeper Awakes)(1910) - When the Sleeper Wakes'in düzenlenmiş basımı
- The New Machiavelli (1911)
- The Country of the Blind and Other Stories (1911)
- The Door in the Wall and Other Stories (1911)
- Floor Games (1911)*
- The Great State: Essays in Construction (ABD başlığı: Socialism and the Great State) (1912)
- The Labour Unrest (1912)
- Marriage (1912)
- War and Common Sense (1913)
- Liberalism and Its Party: What Are the Liberals to Do? (1913)
- Little Wars (1913)
- The Passionate Friends (1913)
- An Englishman Looks at the World (ABD başlığı: Social Forces in England and America) (1914)
- The World Set Free (1914)
- The Wife of Sir Isaac Harman (1914)
- The War That Will End War (1914)
- The Peace of the World (1915)
- Boon (1915)
- Bealby: A Holiday (1915)
- Tidstänkar (1915)
- The Research Magnificent (1915)
- What is Coming? (1916)
- Mr. Britling Sees It Through (1916)
- The Elements of Reconstruction] (1916)
- Görünmez Kral Tanrı (God the Invisible King) (1917)
- War and the Future (1917)
- The Soul of a Bishop (1917)
- A Reasonable Man's Peace (1917)
- Joan and Peter (1918)
- In the Fourth Year (1918)
- The Undying Fire (1919)
- The Idea of a League of Nations (1919)
- The Way to a League of Nations (1919)
- History is One (1919)
- The Outline of History I, II 1920, 1931, 1940 (1949, 1956, 1961, 1971)
- Russia in the Shadows (1920)
- The Salvaging of Civilization (1921)
- The New Teaching of History (1921)
- Washington and the Hope of Peace (ABD başlığı: Washington and the Riddle of Peace) (1922)
- What H.G. Wells Thinks about ‘The Mind in the Making’ (1922)
- University of London Election: An Electoral Letter (1922)
- The World, its Debts and the Rich Men (paper) (1922)
- A Short History of the World (1922)
- The Secret Places of the Heart (1922)
- Men Like Gods (1923)
- Socialism and the Scientific Motive (1923)
- To the Electors of London University, University General Election, 1923, from H.G. Wells, B.Sc., London (1923)
- The Labour Ideal of Education (1923)
- A Walk Along the Thames Embankment (1923)
- The Story of a Great School Master (1924)
- The Dream (1924)
- The P.R. Parliament (1924)
- A Year of Prophesying (1924)
- Christina Alberta's Father (1925)
- A Forecast of the World’s Affairs (1925)
- The World of William Clissold (1926)
- Mr. Belloc Objects to the Outline of History (1926)
- Democracy Under Revision (1927)
- Playing at Peace (1927)
- Meanwhile: The Picture of a Lady (1927)
- The Complete Short Stories of H.G. Wells (1927)
- The Way the World is Going (1928)
- Açık Komplo (The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution) (1928)
- Mr. Blettsworthy on Rampole Island (1928)
- The Book of Catherine Wells (1928)
- The King Who Was A King (1929)
- Common Sense of World Peace (1929)
- The Adventures of Tommy (1929)
- (1938)
- World Brain (1938)
- Apropos of Dolores (1938)
- The Holy Terror (1939)
- Travels of a ReImperialism and The Open Conspiracy (1929)
- The Autocracy of Mr.Parham (1930)
- The Science of Life (Julian S. Huxley ve G.P. Wells ile birlikte) (1930)
- The Way to World Peace (1930)
- The Problem of the Troublesome Collaborator (1930)
- Settlement of the Trouble between Mr. Thring and Mr. Wells: A Footnote to the Problem of the Troublesome Collaborator (1930)
- What Are We To Do With Our Lives? (revision of Open Conspiracy) (1931)
- The Work, Wealth and Happiness of Mankind (1931)
- After Democracy (1932)
- The Bulpington of Blup (1932)
- What Should be Done Now? (1932)
- The Shape of Things to Come (1933)
- Experiment in Autobiography (1934)
- Stalin-Wells Talk: the Verbatim Record and a discussion by G. Bernard Shaw, H.G. Wells, J.M. Keynes, Ernst Toller and others, with three caricatures and cover design by Low (1934)
- The New America: The New World (1935)
- Things to Come: A Film Story (1935)
- The Anatomy of Frustration (1936)
- The Croquet Player (1936)
- The Idea of a World Encyclopaedia (1936)
- Man Who Could Work Miracles (1936)
- Star Begotten (1937)
- Brynhild (1937)
- The Camford Visitation (1937)
- The Informative Content of Education (1937)
- The Brotherspublican Radical in Search of Hot Water (1939)
- The Fate of Homo Sapiens (ABD başlığı: The Fate of Man) (1939)
- The New World Order (1939)
- The Rights of Man, Or What Are We Fighting For? (1940)
- Babes in the Darkling Wood (1940)
- The Common Sense of War and Peace (1940)
- All Aboard for Ararat (1940)
- Guide to the New World (1941)
- You Can't Be Too Careful (1941)
- The Outlook for Homo Sapiens (1942)
- Science and the World-Mind (1942)
- Phoenix: A Summary of Inescapable Conditions of World Reorganization (1942)
- A Thesis on the Quality of Illusion in Continuity of Individual Life of the Higher Metazoa… (1942)
- The Conquest of Time (1942)
- The New Rights of Man (1942)
- Crux Ansata (1943)
- The Mosley Outrage (1943)
- '42 to '44: A Contemporary Memoir (1944)
- Mind at the End of Its Tether (1945)
- The Happy Turning (1945)
- Otobiyografisi 1934 yılında An Experiment in Autobiography adıyla basılmıştır.
- ^ Adam Charles Roberts, "The History of Science Fiction": Page 48 21 Temmuz 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi. in Science Fiction, Routledge, ISBN 0-415-19204-8.