Bilişim terimlerinin kısaltmaları listesi
Bilişim sektöründe kullanılan kısaltmaların listesi.
AA | Antialiasing |
AAA | authentication, authorization and accounting |
AAC | Advanced Audio Coding |
AACS | Advanced Access Content System |
AAL | ATM Adaptation Layer |
Automatic acoustic management | |
ACE | ASCII Compatible Encoding |
Access Control Entry | |
ACK | acknowledge |
ACL | Access Control List |
ACPI | Advanced Configuration and Power Interface |
ACR | Advanced Communication(s) Riser veya Automatic carriage return veya Attenuation To Crosstalk Ratio |
ACS | Applied Computer Science (Uygulamalı Bilgisayar) veya ATA/ATAPI Command Set (bakınız ATA/ATAPI) |
AD | Active Directory |
ADAPT | Application Design for Analytical Processing Technologies |
ADB | Apple Desktop Bus |
ADC | Apple Display Connector |
ADDS | Active Directory Domain Services |
ADO | ActiveX Data Objects |
ADS | Automated Deployment Service veya Alternate Data Streams |
ADSL | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line |
ADSP | AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol |
AEP | AppleTalk Echo Protocol |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard |
AF | Anisotropes Filtern |
AFP | Apple Filing Protocol |
AGA | Advanced Graphics Architecture (Amiga-Chipsatz) |
AGESA | AMD Generic Encapsulated Software Architecture |
AGP | Accelerated Graphics Port |
AGU | Address Generation Unit |
AHCI | Advanced Host Controller Interface |
AI | Artificial Intelligence (Yapay zekâ) |
AIFF | Audio Interchange File Format |
AIM | AOL Instant Messenger |
AIR | Adobe Intergrated Runtime |
AIT | Advanced Intelligent Tape |
AJAX | Asynchronous Javascript and XML |
aka | also known as (bu isimle de tanıdık) |
ALM | Application Lifecycle Management |
ALSA | Advanced Linux Sound Architecture |
ALU | Arithmetic Logic Unit |
AMD | Advanced Micro Devices |
AMQP | Advanced Message Queuing Protocol |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
AOP | Aspektorientierte Programmierung |
AP | Access Point |
APDU | Application Protocol Data Unit |
API | Application Programming Interface |
APIC | Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller |
APIPA | Automatic Private IP Addressing |
APL | A Programming Language |
APM | Advanced Power Management |
APOP | Authenticated Post Office Protocol |
AR | Augmented Reality |
ARM | Advanced RISC Machines Ltd. |
ARP | Address Resolution Protocol |
ARQ | Automatic Repeat reQuest |
ARS | Adaptive Rate Selection |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ASIC | Application-Specific Integrated Circuit |
ASN.1 | Abstract Syntax Notation One |
ASP | Active Server Pages veya Application Service Providing veya AppleTalk Session Protocol |
ASPI | Advanced SCSI Programming Interface |
AT | Advanced Technology |
ATA | Advanced Technology Attachment |
ATAPI | AT-Attachment Packet Interface |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode veya Asynchronous Time Multiplexing veya Adobe Type Manager |
ATPG | Automatic Test Pattern Generation |
ATX | Advanced Technology Extended |
AV | Anti-Virus |
AVI | Audio Video Interleave |
B | Bell Laboratories veya B programlama dili |
B2A | Business-To-Administration |
B2B | Business-to-Business |
B2C | Business-to-Consumer |
BAM | Block Availability Map |
BAPI | Business Application Programming Interface |
BASIC | Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code |
BBS | Bulletin Board System |
BCC | Blind Carbon Copy veya Block Check Character |
BCD | Binary Coded Decimal |
BCPL | Basic Combined Programming Language |
BD | Blu-ray Disc |
BDC | Backup Domain Controller veya Business Data Catalog Microsoft Office SharePoint Server içerisinde |
BDD | Binary Decision Diagram |
BER | Basic Encoding Rules veya Bit Error Rate |
BERT | Bit Error Rate Test |
BGP | Border Gateway Protocol |
BiDi | Bidirectional Text Layout |
BI | Business-Intelligence |
BIOS | Basic Input Output System |
BLOB | Binary Large Object |
BNC | Bayonet Neill Concelman |
BOFH | Bastard Operator From Hell |
BOM | Byte Order Mark |
BOOTP | Bootstrap Protocol |
BOS | Base Operating System (İşletim sistemi) |
BPEL | Business Process Execution Language |
BSC | Binary Synchronous Communication |
BSD | Berkeley Software Distribution |
BSOD | Blue Screen of Death |
BTX | Balanced Technology Extended |
CAAD | Computer Aided Architectural Design |
CAD | Computer Aided Design |
CAE | Computer Aided Engineering |
CAM | Computer Aided Manufacturing |
CAN | Controller Area Network veya Content Addressable Network |
CAPI | Common ISDN Application Programming Interface |
CARP | Common Address Redundancy Protocol |
CAS | Computer-Algebra-System |
CAT | Catalog Service |
CAV | Constant Angular Velocity |
CAVE | Cave Automatic Virtual Environment |
CBO | Cost Based Optimizer |
CC | Carbon Copy veya Creative Commons |
CCD | Charge-coupled Device |
CC/PP | Composite Capability/PKaynakça Profiles |
CCU | Camera Control Unit |
CD | Compact Disc |
CDATA | Character Data |
CDC | Connected Device Configuration |
CDE | Common Desktop Environment |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access |
CD-R | Compact Disc Recordable |
CD-ROM | Compact Disc Read-Only Memory |
CD-RW | Compact Disc ReWriteable |
CEPT | Conférence Européenne des Administrations des Postes et des Télécommunications |
CFML | ColdFusion Markup Language |
CFSM | Communicating Finite State Machines |
CGA | Color Graphics Adapter |
CGI | Common Gateway Interface |
CHAP | Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol |
CICS | Customer Information Control System |
CIDR | Classless Inter-Domain Routing |
CIF | Common Intermediate Format |
CIFS | Common Internet File System |
CIM | Computer Integrated Manufacturing veya Common Information Model |
CISC | Complex Instruction Set Computing |
CLDC | Connected Limited Device Configuration |
CLI | Call Level Interface veya Command Line Interpreter veya Common Language Infrastructure |
CLOB | Character Large Object |
CLR | Common Language Runtime |
CLTS | Connectionless Transport Service, örneğin UDP |
CLV | Constant Linear Velocity |
CM | Configuration Management veya Content-Management |
CMM | Capability Maturity Model veya Color Management Module |
CMOS | Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor |
CMS | Content-Management-System (İçerik Yönetim Sistemi) |
CMYK | Cyan Magenta Yellow Key, bakınız CMYK |
COBOL | Common Business Oriented Language |
CODASYL | Conference on Data Systems Languages |
COM | Component Object Model |
COMA | Cache-only-Memory-Access |
CORBA | Common Object Request Broker Architecture |
COTS | Connection Oriented Transport Service, örneğin TCP |
COW | Copy-On-Write |
CPL | Call Processing Language veya Combined Programming Language veya Common Public License |
CP/M | Control Program/Monitor, daha sonra: Control Program for Microcomputers |
CPPM | Content Protection for Pre-Recorded Media |
CPRI | Common Public Radio Interface |
CPRM | Content Protection for Recordable Media |
CPSL | Common Pattern Specification Language |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CPUID | Central Processing Unit IDentifikation |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
CRE | Content Relationship Engine |
CRL | Certificate Revocation List |
CRM | Customer Relationship Management |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
CSA | Common-Scrambling-Algorithmus veya Connector, Switch, Attenuator theory |
CSI | Common System Interface |
CSMA/CA | Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance |
CSMA/CD | Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection |
CSP | Communicating Sequential Processes |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheets veya Content Scrambling System |
CSV | Character Separated Values, Comma Separated Values |
CTL | Complex Text Layout |
CUI | Character User Interface |
CUoD | Capacity Upgrade on Demand |
CUPS | Common Unix Printing System (Ortak UNIX Yazdırma Sistemi) |
CVS | Concurrent Versions System |
CWM | Common Warehouse Metamodel |
D2D2T | Disk to disk to tape (Backup) |
DAE | Digital Audio Extraction |
DAL | Data Abstraction Layer |
DAO | Data Access Objects (Microsoft) veya Data Access Object veya Disc-At-Once |
DAP | Directory Access Protocol |
DAT | Digital Audio Tape |
DAU | Dümmster anzunehmender User |
DAV | Distributed Authoring and Versioning; bekınız WebDAV |
DBMS | Database management system |
DBP | Database Publishing |
DC | Domain Controller veya Domain Component |
DCE | Data Communication Equipment veya Distributed Computing Environment |
DCL | Data Control Language veya DIGITAL Command Language |
DCO | Device Configuration Overlay (bakınız ATA/ATAPI) veya Dynamic Code Obfuscation |
DCOM | Distributed Component Object Model |
DCP | Disk Control Program |
DCS | Dynamic Channel Selection |
DCT | Diskrete Cosinus Transformation |
DCTL | Direct Coupled Transistor Logic |
DD | Double Density (Diskette) |
DDC | Display Data Channel |
DDE | Dynamic Data Exchange |
DDF | Disk Data Format |
DDI | Device Driver Interface |
DDL | Data Definition Language |
DDoS | Distributed Denial of Service |
DDR | Double Data Rate |
DDS | Digital Data Storage veya Direct Digital Synthesis |
DDV | Datendirektverbindung |
DECT | Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications |
DENIC | DE Network Information Center |
DEP | Data Execution Prevention |
DES | Data Encryption Standard |
DFS | Distributed File System veya Dynamic Frequency Selection veya Depth-First Search |
DH | Data Highway |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol |
DHTML | Dynamic HTML, Hypertext Markup Language'ın kombinasyonu, JavaScript |
DIL | Dual in-line package |
DIME | Direct Internet Message Encapsulation |
DIMM | Dual Inline Memory Module |
DIS | Distributed Interactive Simulation |
DIT | Directory Information Tree |
DL | Double Layer |
DLL | Dynamic Link Library |
DLM | Document Lifecycle Management |
DLP | Digital Light Processing |
DLR | Dynamic Language Runtime, bakınız .Net |
DMA | Direct Memory Access |
DMCA | Digital Millennium Copyright Act |
DMD | Digital Micromirror Device |
DMI | Desktop Management Interface veya Direct Media Interface |
DML | Data Manipulation Language |
DMS | Document Management System |
DMTF | Distributed Management Task Force |
DMZ | Demilitarized Zone |
DNS | Domain Name System (Alan Adı Sistemi) |
DNSBL | DNS-based Blackhole List |
DOM | Document Object Model |
DOS | Disk Operating System veya (DoS): Denial of Service |
dpi | Dots per Inch |
DPA | Data Path Array |
DPS | Desktop Purchasing System veya Data Protection System |
DPU | Data Path Unit |
DRAM | Dynamic Random Access Memory |
DRI | Direct Rendering Infrastructure |
DRL | Data Retrieval Language |
DRM | Digital Rights Management |
DRT | Document Related Technologies |
DS | Double-Sided (Disket) |
DSA | Distributed Systems Architecture veya Directory System Agent |
DSL | Digital Subscriber Line veya Domain Specific Language |
DSLAM | DSLAM veya Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer |
DSP | Digital Signal Processor |
DSSS | Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum |
DSSSL | Document Style Semantics and Specification Language |
DTD | Document Type Definition |
DTE | Data Terminal Equipment |
DTO | Data Transfer Object |
DTP | Desktop Publishing |
DUA | Directory User Agent |
DUI | D graphical user interface |
DUN | Dial-Up |
DVB | Digital Video Broadcasting |
DVB-C | Digital Video Broadcasting - Cable |
DVB-H | Digital Video Broadcasting - Handhelds |
DVB-S | Digital Video Broadcast - Satellite |
DVB-T | Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial |
DVD | Digital Versatile Disc |
DVI | Digital Visual Interface |
DWH | Data Warehouse |
DWT | Diskrete Wavelet-Transformation |
DXF | Drawing Interchange Format |
EAI | Enterprise Application Integration |
EBCDIC | Extended Binary Coded Decimals Interchange Code |
EBNF | Extended Backus-Naur Form |
ECC | Error-correcting code |
ECM | Enterprise Content Management |
ECMA | European Computer Manufacturers Association |
ECP | Extended Capability Port veya Encryption Control Protocol |
ED | Extra-high Density (Disket) |
EDD | Enhanced Disk Drive Services |
EDDL | Electronic Device Description Language |
EDGE | Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
EDID | Extended Display Identification Data |
EDM | Electronic Document Management |
EDP | Electronic Data Processing |
EEPROM | Electrically Eraseable Programmable Read Only Memory |
EFI | Extensible Firmware Interface |
EFS | Encrypting File System |
EGA | Enhanced Graphics Adapter |
EHCI | Enhanced Host Controller Interface |
EIA-232 | Electronic Industries Alliance 232 |
EIB | Europäischer Installationsbus |
EIDE | Enhanced Integrated Device Electronics |
EIGRP | Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol |
EISA | Extended Industry Standard Architecture |
EIST | Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology |
EJB | Enterprise Java Beans |
EJBQL | EJB Query Language |
EM64T | Extended Memory 64 Technology, eski adı Intel 64 |
EMS | Expanded Memory Specification |
EOD | End Of Discussion |
EOF | End of File veya Enterprise Objects Framework |
EPLD | Erasable Programmable Logic Device |
EPP | Enhanced Parallel Port veya Encrypting PIN Pad |
EPROM | Eraseable Programmable Read Only Memory |
EPS | Encapsulated PostScript |
ESB | Enterprise Service Bus |
ESCD | Enhanced System Configuration Data |
ESQL | Embedded SQL |
ESSID | Extended Service Set Identifier |
ETB | End of Transmission Block |
ETL | Extract, Transform, Load |
EUCS | End User Computing Satisfaction |
EWF | Enhanced Write Filter |
exFAT | Extended File Allocation Table |
EXIF | Exchangeable Image File Format |
Ext2 | Second extended Filesystem |
FAI | Fully Automatic Installation |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FAT | File Allocation Table |
FC | Fibre Channel |
FD | Floppy Disk |
FDD | Floppy Disk Drive |
FDDI | Fiber Distributed Data Interface |
FDMA | Frequency Division Multiple Access |
FET | Field Effect Transistor |
FFT | Fast Fourier Transform |
FGA | Floating Gate Array |
FHSS | Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum |
FIFO | First In – First Out |
FILO | First In - Last Out (Last In - First Out) |
FLOP | Floating Point Operation |
FLOPS | Floating Point Operations per Second |
FPGA | Field Programmable Gate Array |
FPLA | Field Programmable Logic Array |
FPS | Frames per Second |
FPU | Floating Point Unit |
FQDN | Fully Qualified Domain Name (Tam Nitelikli Alan Adı) |
FSAA | Full Scene Antialiasing |
FSB | Front Side Bus |
FSM | Finite State Machine |
FTBFS | Fails to build from source |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol (Dosya Aktarım Protokolü) |
FW | Forwarding |
GAL | Generic Array Logic |
GAN | Global Area Network |
GBIC | Gigabit Interface Converter |
GC | Garbage-Collection / Garbage-Collector veya Global Catalog |
GCC | GNU Compiler Collection |
GCR | Group Coded Recording |
GFS | Global File System |
GID | Group Identification |
GIF | Graphics Interchange Format |
GINA | Graphical Identification and Authentication |
GIS | Geoinformationssystem |
GLBP | Gateway Load Balancing Protocol |
GLE | Graphics Layout Engine |
GLU | OpenGL Utility Library |
GLUT | OpenGL Utility Toolkit |
GML | Geography Markup Language |
GMPLS | Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching |
GNOME | GNU Network Object Model Environment |
GOOSE | General Object Oriented System Environment |
GPG | GNU Privacy Guard |
GPL | GNU General Public License |
GPRS | General Packet Radio Service |
GPU | Graphics Processing Unit |
GPX | GPS Exchange Format |
GRE | Gecko Runtime Environment |
GRUB | Grand Unified Bootloader |
GSM | Global System for Mobile Communications |
GTK | GIMP-Toolkit |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
GUID | Globally Unique Identifier |
HAL | Hardware Abstraction Layer |
HBA | Host Bus Adapter |
HBCI | HomeBanking Computer Interface |
HCA | Host Channel Adapter |
HCI | Human Computer Interaction |
HCR | Handprint Character Recognition |
HD | Hard Disk |
HDCP | High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection |
HDD | Hard Disk Drive |
HDL | Hardware Description Language |
HDLC | High-Level Data Link Control |
HDMI | High Definition Multimedia Interface |
HDRR | High Dynamic Range Rendering |
HDTV | High Definition Television |
HGC | Hercules Graphics Card |
HID | Human Interface Device |
HIPPI | High Performance Parallel Interface |
HMA | High Memory Area |
HMD | Head-Mounted Display |
HMI | Human Machine Interface |
HPC | High Performance Computing |
HPET | High Precision Event Timers |
HPFS | High Performance File System |
HSCSD | High Speed Circuit Switched Data |
HSDPA | High Speed Downlink Packet Access |
HSRP | Hot Standby Router Protocol |
HT | HyperTransport |
HTC | High Throughput Computing |
HTCP | Hyper Text Caching Protocol |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language |
HTPC | Home Theater Personal Computer |
HTT | Hyper-Threading-Technologie |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
HTTPS | Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure |
I18N | Internationalization |
IA5 | ISO 646 |
IANA | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
I2C | Inter-Integrated Circuit |
ICANN | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers |
ICC | International Color Consortium |
ICH | I/O Controller Hub |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol |
ICS | Internet Connection Sharing |
IDE | Integrated Development Environment veya Integrated Drive Electronics |
IDEF | Integrated Definition Methods |
IDF | Intel Developer Forum |
IDL | Interface Definition Language |
IDMS | Integrated Database Management System |
IDN | Internationalized Domain Name |
IDNA | Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications |
IED | Intelligent Electronic Device |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force |
IFF | Interchange File Format |
IGP | Integrated Graphics Processor |
IGMP | Internet Group Management Protocol |
IGRP | Interior Gateway Routing Protocol |
IIOP | Internet Inter-ORB Protocol |
IIS | Microsoft Internet Information Server |
IKE | Internet Key Exchange (siehe IPsec) |
ILDA | International Laser Display Association |
ILM | Information Lifecycle Management |
IMAP | Internet Message Access Protocol |
IMC | Internet Mail Connector (siehe Exchange) |
IMQ | Intermediate Queuing Device |
IMS | Information Management System |
INET | İnternet |
Intel | Integrated Electronics |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IPC | Inter-Process Communication veya Instructions per cycle |
IPP | Internet Printing Protocol (Internet Yazdırma İletişim Kuralı) |
IPPD | Integrated Product and Process Development |
IPPP | ISDN Point-to-Point Protocol |
IPSec | Internet Protocol Security |
IPX | Internetwork Packet Exchange |
IRC | Internet Relay Chat |
IrDA | Infrared Data Association |
IRQ | Interrupt Request |
IRTF | Internet Research Task Force |
IRV | Internationale Referenzversion (IA5) |
ISA | Industry Standard Architecture |
iSCSI | Internet SCSI |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network |
ISO | Internationale Organisation für Normung |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
ISSE | Internet Streaming SIMD Extensions |
IT | Information technology |
ITIL | IT Infrastructure Library |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
IxD | Interaction Design |
J2EE | Java Platform, Enterprise Edition |
J2ME | Java Platform, Micro Edition |
J2SE | Java Platform, Standard Edition |
JACK | JACK Audio Connection Kit |
JCL | Job Control Language |
JDBC | Java Database Connectivity |
JDF | Job Definition Format |
JDIC | JDesktop Integration Components |
JDK | Java Development Kit |
JES | Job Entry Subsystem |
JEU | Jump Execution Unit |
JFS | Journaled File System |
JMF | Java Media Framework |
JMS | Java Message Service |
JNDI | Java Naming and Directory Interface |
JNLP | Java Network Launching Protocol |
JOLAP | Java Based OLAP interface |
JPEG | Joint Photographic Experts Group |
JRE | Java Runtime Environment |
JSF | JavaServer Faces |
JSP | JavaServer Pages |
JSR | Java Specification Request |
JVM | Java Virtual Machine |
KDE | K Desktop Environment |
KM | Konfigurationsmanagement veya Knowledge Management |
KML | Keyhole Markup Language |
KVM | Keyboard - Video - Mouse |
L10N | Localization |
L2TP | Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol |
LAMP | Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP |
LAN | Local Area Network |
Laser | Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation |
LAT | Local Area Transport |
LBA | Logical Block Addressing |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display |
LCN | Local Control Network |
LCOS | Liquid Crystal on Silicon |
LCR | Least Cost Router |
LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
LDU | Logical Data Unit |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LFS | Large File Support veya Linux From Scratch |
LFSR | Linear Feedback Shift Register |
LGA | Land Grid Array |
LIFO | Last In - First Out |
LILO | Linux Loader veya Last In - Last Out (First In – First Out) |
LISP | List Processing |
LLC | Logical Link Control |
LON | Local Operating Network |
LP | Line Printer |
LPC | Low Pin Count |
LPP | Licensed Product Package |
LPT | Line Printer |
LRU | Least recently used |
LS120 | Laser Servo Disk |
LSA | Local Security Authority |
LSASS | Local Security Authority Subsystem |
LSB | Least Significant Bit |
LTE | Long Term Evolution |
LUG | Linux User Group |
LUN | Logical Unit Number |
LVDS | Low Voltage Differential Signaling |
LVM | Logical Volume Manager (Mantıksal Birim Yönetimi) |
M2M | Machine-to-Machine |
M4A | MPEG-4 Audio |
MAC | Media Access Control |
MAPI | Messaging Application Programming Interface |
MAN | Metropolitan Area Network |
MAU | Multistation Access Unit |
MBR | Master Boot Record |
MCA | Micro Channel Architecture |
MCF | Meta Content Framework |
MCH | Memory Controller Hub |
mCRM | Mobile Customer Relationship Management |
MCX | Media Center Extender |
MDAC | Microsoft Data Access Components |
MDCT | Modifizierte diskrete Kosinustransformation veya Multi-detector Computed Tomography veya Multislice Detector Computed Tomography veya Multi-row-detector Computed Tomography |
MFM | Modified Frequency Modulation |
MFT | Master File Table |
MHP | Multimedia Home Platform |
MIDI | Musical Instrument Digital Interface |
MIDS | Multifunctional Information Distribution System |
MII | Media Independent Interface |
MIMD | Multiple-Instruction Multiple-Data |
MIME | Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions |
MIPS | Million Instructions per Second veya Microprocessor without interlocked pipeline stages |
MMORPG | Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game |
MMS | Multimedia Messaging Service |
MMU | Memory Management Unit |
MMX | Multi Media Extension |
MOD | Magneto Optical Disk |
MOO | Mud object oriented |
MOST | Media Oriented System Transport |
MP3 | MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 |
MP4 | MPEG-4 |
MPEG | Moving Picture Experts Group |
MPI | Message Passing Interface |
MPLS | Multiprotocol Label Switching |
MPP | Massively Parallel Processing |
MPU | Micro Processor Unit (bakınız Mikroişlemci) veya Memory Protection Unit |
MRAM | Magnetic Random Access Memory |
MRCP | Media Resource Control Protocol |
MRU | Maximum Receive Unit |
MSB | Most Significant Bit |
MSDN | Microsoft Developer Network |
MSDNAA | MSDN Academic Alliance |
MSIMD | Multiple Single Instruction Multiple Data |
MSN | Microsoft Network veya Multiple Subscriber Number |
MTA | Mail Transfer Agent (Posta Taşıma Aracı) |
MTP | Media Transfer Protocol (Medya Taşıma İletişim Kuralı) |
MTBF | Mean Time Between Failures |
MTU | Maximum Transmission Unit |
MUA | Mail User Agent |
MUD | Multi User Dungeon |
MVC | Model View Controller |
MZR | Multiple Zone Recording |
NAC | Network Access Control |
NAL | Network Abstraction Layer |
NAS | Network Attached Storage |
NAT | Network Address Translation |
NBD | Network Block Device |
NCQ | Native Command Queuing |
NDS | Novell Directory Services |
NFS | Network File System |
NGSCB | Next Generation Secure Computing Base |
NIC | Network Information Center veya Network Interface Card |
NLB | Network Load Balancing |
NNTP | Network News Transfer Protocol |
NOC | Network Operation Center |
NRU | Not Recently Used |
NRZ | Non Return to Zero |
NSS | Name Service Switch (Ad Servis Anahtarı) |
NTBA | Network Termination for ISDN Basic rate Access |
NTFS | New Technology File System |
NTP | Network Time Protocol |
NTSC | National Television Standards Committee |
NUMA | Non-Uniform Memory Access |
NVE | Networked Virtual Environment |
NVRAM | Non Volatile Random Access Memory |
OASIS | Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards |
OCI | Open Catalog Interface |
OCR | Optical Character Recognition |
OCSP | Online Certificate Status Protocol |
ODBC | Open DataBase Connectivity |
ODMC | On Demand Clock Modulation |
ODMG | Object Database Management Group |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer |
OFDM | Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing |
OGC | OpenGIS Consortium |
OHCI | Open Host Controller Interface |
OLAP | Online Analytical Processing |
OLE | Object Linking and Embedding |
OLED | Organic Light Emitting Diode |
OLSR | Optimized Link State Routing |
OLTP | Online Transaction Processing |
OODBMS | Object-Oriented DataBase Management System |
OOo | |
OOP | Objektorientierte Programmierung |
OPC | Operation Planning and Control veya OLE for Process Control |
OQL | Object Query Language |
ORDBMS | Object-Relational DataBase Management System |
OS | Operating System |
OSA | Open Systems Architecture |
OSGi | Open Services Gateway Initiative |
OSI | OSI modeli |
OSPF | Open Shortest Path First |
OSS | Open Sound System veya Open Source Software |
OSSD | Output Signal Switching Device |
OWS | OpenGIS Web Service (bakınız Open Geospatial Consortium) |
P2P | Peer-to-Peer |
PADI | PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation |
PAG | Program Analysis Generator |
PAL | Programmable Array Logic veya Phase Alternating Line |
PAM | Pluggable Authentication Module |
PAN | Personal Area Network |
PAP | Password Authentication Protocol |
PATMOS | Power And Timing Modelling, Optimization and Simulation |
PBCC | Packet Binary Convolution Coding |
PC | Personal Computer veya Program Counter |
PCA | Programmable Counter Array |
PCI | Peripheral Component Interconnect |
PCIe/PCI-E | Peripheral Component Interconnect Express |
PCI-X | Peripheral Component Interface Extension |
PCMCIA | Personal Computer Memory Card International Association |
PC/SC | Personal Computer/Smart Card |
PDA | Personal Digital Assistant |
PDC | Primary Domain Controller |
Portable Document Format | |
PDM | Product Data Management |
PDU | Protocol Data Unit veya Power Distribution Unit |
PEG | PCI Express for Graphics |
Perl | Practical Extraction and Report Language |
PGA | Pin Grid Array |
PHP | PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor |
PIA | Peripheral Interface Adapter |
PIC | Programmable Interrupt Controller |
PID | Personally-Identifiable Data |
PIO | Programmed Input/Output |
PKI | Public Key Infrastructure |
PLA | Programmable Logic Array |
PL/I | Programming Language One |
PMU | Power Management Unit |
PLM | Product Lifecycle Management |
PNG | Portable Network Graphics |
PnP | Plug and Play |
PoE | Power over Ethernet |
POF | Polymere optische Faser |
POJO | Plain Old Java Object |
POP3 | Post Office Protocol Version 3 |
POSIX | Portable Operating System Interface for UniX |
POST | Power On Self-Test |
POTS | Plain Old Telephone System |
PPD | Postscript Printer Description (Dipnot Yazıcı Tanımı) |
PPI | Pixel per Inch |
PPP | Point-to-Point Protocol |
PPPoE | PPP over Ethernet |
PPTP | Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol |
PPU | Physics Processing Unit |
PRBS | Pseudo-random bit stream |
PS | PostScript |
PSACR | Power Sum Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio |
PSD | Photoshop Document |
PSTN | Public Switched Telephone Network |
PVC | Permanent Virtual Circuit |
PWM | Pulse Width Modulation |
PXE | Preboot Execution Environment |
QDR | Quadruple Data Rate |
QoS | Quality of Service |
QUXGA | Quad Ultra Extended Graphics Array |
QVGA | Quarter Video Graphics Array |
QWUXGA | Quad Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array |
QXGA | Quad Extended Graphics Array |
RAD | Rapid Application Development |
RAID | Redundant Array of Independent Disks |
RAM | Random Access Memory |
RAR | Resource Adapter |
RARP | Reverse Address Resolution Protocol |
RAS | Remote Access Service |
RBL | Realtime Blackhole List |
RCP | Rapid Control Prototyping veya Rich-Client-Platform veya Remote Copy Protocol |
RDBMS | Relational Database Management System |
RDF | Resource Description Framework |
RDP | Remote Desktop Protocol |
RED | Random Early Detection |
REST | Representational State Transfer |
REU | RAM Expansion Unit |
REXX | Restructured Extended Executor Language |
RFC | Request for Comments |
RFID | Radio Frequency Identification |
RGB | Red Green Blue (Kırmızı Yeşil Mavi) |
RIA | Rich Internet Application |
RIMM | Rambus In-Line Memory Modul |
RIP | Routing Information Protocol veya Raster Image Process |
RISC | Reduced Instruction Set Computing |
RLE | Run-length encoding |
RLL | Run Length Limited |
RMI | Remote Method Invocation |
ROI | Region of Interest |
ROM | Read Only Memory |
RPC | Remote Procedure Call |
RPG | Role Playing Game veya Report Program Generator |
RPM | RPM Package Manager |
RS-232 | Recommended Standard 232 |
RSA | Rivest, Shamir, Adleman |
RSH | Remote Shell |
RSS | Really Simple Syndication |
RTC | Real Time Clock |
RTF | Rich Text Format |
RTFM | Read The Fucking Manual |
RTL | Register Transfer Level |
RTOS | Realtime Operating System |
RTP | Realtime Transport Protocol |
RTTI | Runtime Type Information |
SAA | Systems Application Architecture |
SACD | Super Audio Compact Disc |
SAFT | Simple Asynchronous File Transfer |
SAM | Security Account Manager |
SAN | Storage Area Network veya System Area Network |
SANE | Scanner Access Now Easy veya Standard Apple Numeric Environment |
SAS | Serial Attached SCSI |
SASL | Simple Authentication and Security Layer |
SAT | SCSI/ATA Translation |
SATA | Serial ATA |
SATL | SCSI/ATA Translation Layer |
SAX | Simple API for XML |
SBC | Session Border Controller veya Single Board Computer |
SBP-2 | Serial Bus Protocol |
SCAM | SCSI Configuration AutoMatically |
SCP | Secure Copy Protocol |
SCSI | Small Computer System Interface |
SCUMM | Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion |
SD | Single Density (Diskette) |
SDF | Synchronous Data Flow |
SDH | Synchronous Digital Hierarchy |
SDK | Software Development Kit |
SDL | Service Description Language |
SDLC | Synchronous Data Link Control veya Software Development Life Cycle |
SDR | Single Data Rate |
SDSL | Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line |
SEO | Search Engine Optimization |
SGML | Standard Generalized Markup Language |
SHFS | Shell File System |
SHTTP | Secure Hyper Text Transport Protocol |
SIM | Subscriber Identity Module |
SIMD | Single Instruction Multiple Data |
SIMM | Single Inline Memory Module |
SIP | Session Initiation Protocol veya Sideway Information Passing |
SLAM | Simultaneous Localization and Mapping |
SLD | Second Level Domain veya Styled Layer Descriptor |
SLI | Scalable Link Interface |
SLIP | Serial Line Internet Protocol |
SLL | Static Link Library |
SLP | Service Location Protocol |
SLR | Scalable Linear Recording |
SMAP | Simple Mail Access Protocol |
SMART | Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology |
SMASH | Systems Management Architecture for Server Hardware |
SMB | Server Message Block |
SMBIOS | Systems Management BIOS |
SMD | Surface Mounted Device |
SMIL | Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language |
SMI-S | Storage Management Initiative - Specification |
SML | Standard ML veya System Management Language |
SMP | Symmetric Multi-Processing |
SMS | Short Message Service |
SMT | Simultaneous Multithreading |
SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol |
S/N | Serial Number |
SNA | Systems Network Architecture |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol |
SOA | Service Oriented Architecture |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol |
SOX | Sarbanes-Oxley Act |
S/P-DIF | Sony/Philips Digital Interface |
SPEC | Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation |
SPEWS | Spam Prevention Early Warning System |
SPF | Sender Policy Framework (Gönderici Kural Yapısı) |
SPI | Serial Peripheral Interface |
SPM | Scratch Pad Memory |
SPoF | Single Point of Failure |
SPP | System Platform Processor |
Standard Parallel Port | |
SPW | Satisfaction per watt |
SQL | Structured Query Language |
SRAM | Static Random Access Memory |
SRM | Service Resolution Management |
SRP | Secure Remote Password |
SS | Single-Sided (Disket) |
SSD | Solid State Disk |
SSE2 | Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 |
SSH | Secure Shell |
SSI | Server Side Includes |
SSID | Service Set Identifier |
SSL | Secure Sockets Layer veya Syntax/Semantic Language |
SSO | Single Sign On |
STFW | Search the fucking web |
STUN | Simple traversal of UDP over NATs |
SUXGA | Super Ultra Extended Graphics Array |
SVCD | Super Video Compact Disc |
SVDRP | Simple Video Disc Recorder Protocol |
SVG | Scalable Vector Graphics |
SVGA | Super Video Graphics Array |
SVN | Subversion |
SXGA | Super Extended Graphics Array |
Tcl | Tool command language |
TC | Turbo Cache |
TCO | Total Cost of Ownership |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
TCPA | Trusted Computing Platform Alliance |
TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol |
TDMA | Time Division Multiple Access |
TDP | Thermal Design Power |
TEDS | Transducer Electronic Data Sheet |
TFT | Thin Film Transistor |
TFTP | Trivial File Transfer Protocol |
TIPC | Transparente Inter-Process Communication |
TLB | Translation Lookaside Buffer |
TLD | Top-Level-Domain veya Tag Library Descriptor |
TLM | Transaction Level Modelling |
TLS | Transport Layer Security |
TM | Transactional Memory |
TOS | The Operating System |
TPC | Transmitter Power Control veya Transaction Processing Performance Council |
TPI | Tracks Per Inch |
TPM | Trusted Platform Module |
TPoX | Transaction Processing over XML |
TS | Timeserver veya Terminal Server veya TeamSpeak |
TSC | Time Stamp Counter |
TSP | Traveling Salesman Problem |
TSO | Time-Sharing Option |
TTL | Time-to-live veya Transistor-Transistor-Logik |
TWAIN | Toolkit Without An Interesting Name |
TWI | Two-wire Interface |
UAA | Universal Audio Architecture |
UART | Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter |
UBE | Unsolicited Bulk Email (İstenmeyen Yığın Postası) |
UCD | User Centered Design |
UCE | Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail |
UCP | Universal Computer Protocol |
UDDI | Universal Description, Discovery and Integration |
UDF | Universal Disk Format |
UDMA | Ultra-Direct Memory Access |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol veya Usenet Death Penalty |
UFS | Unix File System |
UHCI | Universal Host Controller Interface |
UI | User Interface veya User Interaction |
UID | User identifier veya User Interface Design |
UMA | Uniform Memory Access veya Unified Memory Architecture veya Universal Multimedia Access |
UMB | Upper Memory Block |
UMDF | User-Mode Driver Framework |
UML | Unified Modeling Language |
UMTS | Universal Mobile Telecommunications System |
UPnP | Universal Plug and Play |
UPS | Uninterruptible Power Supply |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier (Tekdüzen Kaynak Kimlikleyici) |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator (Birörnek Kaynak Konumlayıcı) veya (Tekdüzen Kaynak Bulucu) |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
USV | Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung |
UTF | Unicode Transformation Format |
UTM | Unified threat management |
UUG | Unix User Group |
UWB | Ultra Wide Band |
UXD | User Experience Design |
UXGA | Ultra Extended Graphics Array |
VAFC | VESA Advanced Feature Connector |
VB | Visual Basic |
VBA | Visual Basic for Applications |
VBS | Visual Basic Script |
VCD | Video-CD veya virtual channel descriptor |
VCI | virtual channel identifier |
VCS | Version Control System |
VDR | Video Disk Recorder |
VDSL | Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line |
VESA | Video Electronics Standards Association |
VFAT | Virtual FAT |
VFC | VESA Feature Connector |
VFS | Virtual Filesystem Switch |
VGA | Video Graphics Array |
VHDL | Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language |
VLAN | Virtual Local Area Network |
VLB | VESA Local Bus |
VLIW | Very Long Instruction Word |
VLSI | Very Large Scale Integration |
VM | Virtuelle Maschine |
VMS | Virtual Memory System |
VO | Virtual Organisation |
VoIP | Voice over IP |
VP | Visual Programming |
VPI | virtual path identifier |
VPL | Visual Programming Language |
VPN | Virtual Private Network |
VRAM | Video Random Access Memory |
VRRP | Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol |
VSAM | Virtual Storage Access Method |
VST | Virtual Studio Technology |
VTAM | Virtual Terminal Access Method |
VTS | Virtual Tape Server |
W3C | World Wide Web Consortium |
WAIS | Wide Area Information Servers |
WAMP(P) | Windows-Apache-MySQL-PHP |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WAP | Wireless Application Protocol |
WBEM | Web-Based Enterprise Management |
WCS | Web Coverage Service |
WDDX | Web Distributed Data Exchange |
WDS | Wireless Distribution System |
WEP | Wired Equivalent Privacy |
WFS | Web Feature Service |
WIDL | Web Interface Definition Language |
WINE | WINE Is Not an Emulator |
WINS | Windows Internet Naming Service |
WISP | Wireless Internet Service Provider |
WLAN | Wireless Local Area Network |
WLL | Wireless Local Loop |
WML | Wireless Markup Language |
WMM | Wireless Multimedia |
WMS | Web Map Service |
WOL | Wake on LAN |
WORM | Write Once Read Multiple |
WPA | Wi-Fi Protected Access |
WRS | Web Registry Service |
WSDL | Web Services Description Language |
WSH | Windows Scripting Host |
WSUXGA | Wide Super Ultra Extended Graphics Adapter |
WSVGA | Wide Super Video Graphics Array |
WSXGA | Wide Super Extended Graphics Array |
WUXGA | Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array |
WVGA | Wide Video Graphics Array |
WWAN | Wireless Wide Area Network |
WWW | World Wide Web |
WXGA | Wide Extended Graphics Array |
WYSISLWYG | What You See Is Sort-of Like What You Get |
WYSIWYG | What You See Is What You Get |
XAML | eXtensible Application Markup Language |
XAMPP | Extended Apache/MySQL/PHP/Perl |
XGA | Extended Graphics Array |
XHTML | Extensible Hypertext Markup Language |
XILP | XILP: Internet Links People |
XML | Extensible Markup Language |
XML-RPC | Extensible Markup Language Remote Procedure Call |
XMPP | Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol |
XMS | Extended Memory Specification |
XMSF | Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework |
XOG | XML Open Gateway |
XrML | Extensible rights Markup Language |
XSD | XML Schema Definition |
XSL | Extensible Stylesheet Language |
XSL-FO | Extensible Stylesheet Language - Formatting Objects |
XSLT | XSL Transformation |
XT | Extended Technology |
Y2K | Year 2 Kilo (Year 2000) |
YAGNI | You Ain't Gonna Need It |
YaST | Yet another Setup Tool |
ZBR | Zone Bit Recording |
ZFS | Zettabyte File System |
Dış bağlantılar
- Kısaltmalar2 Ekim 2019 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi. (İngilizce)