Amphiuridae | |||||||||||
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Değerlendirilmedi (IUCN 3.1) | |||||||||||
Biyolojik sınıflandırma ![]() | |||||||||||
Amphiuridae, Amphilepidida takımına bağlı bir hayvan familyasıdır.[1][2]
Amphiuridae familyasına bağlı cinsler (2023):
- Acrocnida - Gislén, 1926
- Amphichondrius - Nielsen, 1932
- Amphicontus - Hill, 1940
- Amphiodia - Verrill, 1899
- Amphiomya - H.L.Clark, 1939
- Amphioncus - Clark, 1939
- Amphioplus - Verrill, 1899
- Amphipholis - Ljungman, 1866
- Amphipholizona - Clark, 1915
- Amphistigma - H.L.Clark, 1938
- Amphiura - Forbes, 1843
- Bibophiura - Bignot et al., 1987
- Deckersamphiura - Jagt, 2000
- Dougaloplus - A.M.Clark, 1970
- Microphiopholis - Turner, 1985
- Nannophiura - Mortensen, 1933
- Nudamphiura - Tommasi, 1965
- Ophiocentrus - Ljungman, 1867
- Ophiocnida - Lyman, 1865
- Ophiodaphne - Koehler, 1930
- Ophionephthys - Lütken, 1869
- Ophiophragmus - Lyman, 1865
- Ophiosphaera - Brock, 1888
- Ophiostigma - Lütken, 1856
- Pandellia -
- Paracrocnida - Mortensen, 1940
- Paramphichondrius - Guille & Wolff, 1984
- Paramphicondrius
- Paramphiura - Koehler, 1895
- Silax - Fell, 1962
- Unioplus - Fell, 1962
- Xanthamphiura - Hess, 1970
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Ljungman A. V. Ophiuroidea viventia huc usque cognita enumerata, Öfversigt af Kongelige Vetenskapsakademiens Forhandlingar Stockholm 1866 9, 303-336
- Clark W. B., Twitchell M. W. (1915) The Mesozoic and Cenozoic Echinodermata of the United States, United States Geological Survey Bulletin 54, 1-341
- Matsumoto H. (1915) A new classification of Ophiuroidea: with description of genera and species, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 67, 43-92
- Berry C.T. (1941) Tertiary ophiurans from Venezuela, Journal of Paleontology 15 1, 68-70
- Skwarko S. K. (1963) A new Upper Cretaceous ophiuroid from Australia., Palaeontology 6 3, 579-581
- Spencer W. K., Wright C.W. (1966) Asterozoans, Moore R.C. ed, Treatise on invertebrate paleontology, Echinodermata, University of Kansas Press and the Geological Society of America 3 1, U4-U107
- Jagt J. W. M. (2000) Late Cretaceous-Early Paleocene echinoderms and the K/T boundary in the southeast Netherlands and the northeast Belgium. - part 3: Ophiuroids, Scripta Geologica 21, 1-179
- Storc R. (2004) The ophiuroid Amphiura? plana in nearhore settings of the Bohemian Cretaceous basin (Czech Republic), Geologica Carpathica 55 1, 37-41
- Storc R., Zitt J. (2008) Late Turonian ophiuroids (Echinodermata) from the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic, Bulletin of Geosciences 83 2, 123-140
- ^ "GBIF". 24 Haziran 2021 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 2 Ekim 2024.
- ^ "ITIS". 21 Şubat 2022 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 4 Haziran 2022.
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