Ada göre yazarlar listesi: J
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A – B – C-Ç – D – E – F – G – H – I-İ – J – K – L – M – N – O-Ö – P – Q – R – S-Ş – T – U-Ü – V – W – X – Y – Z
- J. K. Rowling (d. 1965)
- J. M. Barrie (1860–1937)
- J. Michael Straczynski (d. 1954)
- J. P. Martin (1880–1966)
- J. R. R. Tolkien (1892–1973)
- J. R. Ward (d. 1969) (Jessica Bird'ün takma adı)
- J. Richard Jacobs (d. 1940)
- J.G. Ballard (1930–2009)
- Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul yazarları ortak adı)
- Jack Dann (d. 1945)
- Jack Finney (1911–1995)
- Jack Higgins
- Jack İÖ Haldeman II, (1941–2002)
- Jack Kerouac (1922–1969)
- Jack L. Chalker (d. 1944)
- Jack Lait (1883–1954)
- Jack London (1876–1916)
- Jack McDevitt (d. 1935)
- Jack Miles (d. 1942)
- Jack Vance, (d. 1916)
- Jack Williamson (1908–2006)
- Jack Womack (d. 1956)
- Jackie Collins
- Jackie French (d. 1953)
- Jacob Abbott (1803-1879)
- Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm (d. 1785 ya da 1786) (ö. 1863 ya da 1859)
- Jacob M. Appel (d. 1973)
- Jacqueline Diamond
- Jacqueline Lichtenberg (d. 1942)
- Jacques Poulin (d. 1937)
- Jamaica Kincaid (d. 1949)
- James Alan Gardner (d. 1955)
- James Baldwin (1924–1987)
- James Bateman (1811–1897)
- James Blish (1921–1975)
- James Boswell (1740–1795)
- James Bovard (d. 1956)
- James Branch Cabell (1879–1958)
- James Brock (d. 1958)
- James Chapman (d. 1955)
- James Clancy Phelan (d. 1979)
- James Fenimore Cooper
- James Francis Cooke
- James Frey
- James H. Schmitz (1911–1974)
- James Hearst (1900–1983)
- James Herriot (1916–1995)
- James Joyce (1882–1941)
- James Kelman (1946)
- James Oliver Curwood (1878–1927)
- James P. Blaylock (d. 1950)
- James P. Hogan (d. 1941)
- James Patterson (d. 1947)
- James Ramsey Ullman (1907–1971)
- James Robert Baker
- James Russell Miller (1840–1912)
- James Sites (d. 1924)
- James Thurber (1894–1961)
- James Tiptree, Jr (1915–1987) (Alice Sheldon'un takma adı)
- James V. Downton (d. 1938)
- James Van Praagh, (d. 1958)
- James White (1928–1999)
- Jan Axelson (d. 1949)
- Jan Karon (d. 1937)
- Jan Marcussen
- Jan Narveson (d. 1936)
- Janaki Ram
- Jane Austen, (1775-1817)
- Jane Feather (d. 1945)
- Jane Green (d. 1968)
- Jane Holland (d. 1966)
- Jane Jacobs (d. 1916)
- Jane Leslie Conly
- Jane Yolen (d. 1939)
- Janelle Taylor (d. 1944)
- Janet Asimov (d. 1926)
- Janet Dailey (d. 1944)
- Janette Oke (d. 1935)
- Janette Turner Hospital
- Janusz A. Zajdel (1938–1985)
- Janwillem van de Wetering, (d. 1931)
- Jared Diamond (d. 1937)
- Jasmine Cresswell
- Jason Jeffery (d. 1971)
- Jason Roberts
- Jasper Fforde (d. 1961)
- Jaspreet Singh (d. 1969)
- Javier Abril Espinoza (d. 1965)
- Javier Marías (d. 1951)
- Jayne Ann Krentz (Amanda Quick, Jayne Castle olarak da bilinir)
- Jean Auel (d. 1936)
- Jean Cocteau (1889 - 1963)
- Jean Craighead George (1919-2012)
- Jean de Brunhoff
- Jean de La Fontaine (1621 - 1695)
- Jean Edward Smith (d. 1932)
- Jean Le Rond d'Alembert (1717 - 1783)
- Jean Lorrah (d. 1938)
- Jean Overton Fuller
- Jean Plaidy (1906–1993)]] (Eleanor Burford Hibbert'in takma adı)
- Jean Racine (1639 - 1699)
- Jean Toomer (1894–1967)
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778)
- Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston
- Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont (1711 - 1780)
- Jean-Paul Crespelle
- Jean-Paul Sartre (1905–1980)
- Jeff Noon (d. 1957)
- Jeff Smith (d. 1960)
- Jeffery Deaver (d. 1950)
- Jeffrey A. Nesbit
- Jeffrey Archer (d. 1940)
- Jeffrey Carver (d. 1949)
- Jeffrey E. Barlough (d. 1953)
- Jeffrey Guterman (d. 1958)
- Jenna Black
- Jennifer Archer
- Jennifer Blake (d. 1942)
- Jennifer Wilde (1938–1990)
- Jenny Oldfield (d. 1949)
- Jenny Uglow
- Jeri Westerson (d. 1960)
- Jerome Bixby (1923–1998)
- Jerome David Salinger (d. 1919)
- Jerry Ahern (1946–2012)
- Jerry Ordway (d. 1957)
- Jerry Pinkney (d. 1939)
- Jerry Pournelle (d. 1933)
- Jerry Sohl (1913–2002)
- Jerzy Kosinski (1933–1991)
- Jessica Gregson (d. 1978)
- Jessica Steele (d. 1933)
- Jessica Zafra (d. 1965)
- Jessie Chandler (d. 1968)
- Jhaverchand Meghani (1896–1947)
- Jill Barnett
- Jill Christian (Norren Dilcock'un takma adı)
- Jill Mansell
- Jill March (d. 1950)(Nora Roberts'ın takma adı)]]
- Jill Marie Landis
- Jill Paton Walsh (d. 1937)
- Jillian Hunter
- Jilly Cooper
- Jim Butcher
- Jim Murphy
- Jimmy B. Bedford (1927–1990)
- Jo Beverley (d. 1947)
- Jo Clayton, (1939–1988)
- Joan D. Vinge (d. 1948)
- Joan Didion
- Joan Johnston
- Joan Phipson (1912–2003)
- Joan Slonczewski
- Joan Wolf (d. 1951)
- Joanna Russ (d. 1937)
- Joanne Harris
- Joanne Stepaniak (d. 1954)
- Jodi Piccoult
- Jodi Thomas
- Joe Haldeman, (d. 1943)
- Joe Hill (d. 1972)
- Joel Chandler Harris, (1848–1908)
- Joel Rosenberg (d. 1954)
- Joel Shepherd (d. 1974)
- Johann Gottfried von Herder (1744–1803)
- Johanna Lindsey (d. 1952)
- Johanna Sinisalo (d. 1958)
- Johanna Spyri (1827–1901)
- John Allen (tarihçi) (1771–1843)
- John Allen (dini yazar) (1771–1839)
- John Barnes (d. 1957)
- John Barth (b. May 27, 1930)
- John Bellairs (1938–1991)
- John Boyne (d. 1971)
- John Brunner (1934–1995)
- John Bunyan (1628–1688)
- John Byrne (d. 1950)
- John Cheever (1912– 1982)
- John Christopher (1922–2012) (Samuel Youd'un takma adı)
- John Cotton
- John Creasey
- John D. Fitzgerald (1907–1988)
- John D. MacDonald (1916–1986)
- John Dalmas (d. 1926)
- John Dos Passos
- John Edgar Wideman (d. 1941)
- John Edward Jennings (1906–1973)
- John Fante (1909–1983)
- John Gibson Lockhart (1794-1854)
- John Green (d. 1977)
- John Grisham (d. 1955)
- John Harrington
- John Irving (d. 1942)
- John C. Dvorak
- John C. Wright (1948 -) (Takma adı: Capt. John)
- John Jakes (d. 1932)
- John Knowles (1926–2001)
- John Locke (1632–1704)
- John Lutz (d. 1939)
- John Marsden (d. 1950)
- John Maxwell Coetzee (d. 1940)
- John Newbery (1713–1767)
- John Norman (d. 1931)
- John O'Hara (1905–1970)
- John Osd.e (1929–1994)
- John Ostrander (d. 1949)
- John Rawls (1921–2002)
- John Shirley (d. 1953)
- John Skoyles
- John Sladek (1937–2000)
- John Steinbeck (1902–1968)
- John Stevens Cabot Abbott (1805-1877)
- John Stuart Mill (1806–1873)
- John Taine (1883–1960) (Eric Temple Bell'in takma adı)
- John Taylor Gatto (d. 1935)
- John Updike (1932–2009)
- John Varley, (d. 1947)
- John W. Campbell Jr. (1910–1971) (Don A. Stuart'ın takma adı)
- John Wyndham (1903–1969)
- Johnny Lovewisdom (1919–2000)
- Jon Courtenay Grimwood (d. 1953)
- Jon Haylett
- Jonathan Lethem (d. 1964)
- Jonathan Swift (1667–1745)
- Jorge Luis Borges (1899–1986)
- Jorge Queirolo Bravo (1963)
- Jose Dalisay, Jr. (d. 1954)
- José Luis Rodríguez Pitti (d. 1971)
- Jose Luis Rodriguez Pitti, (d. 1971)
- José Ortega y Gasset (1883–1955)
- José Saramago (1922–2010)
- Joseph Alexander Altsheler, (1862–1919)
- Joseph Bathanti (d. 1953)
- Joseph Heller
- Joseph Jacobs (1854–1916)
- Joseph Joffo (d. 1931)
- Joseph Mitchell (1908–1996)
- Joseph Seamon Cotter, Sr. (1861–1949)
- Josephine Clifford McCracken (1839–1921)
- Josephine Cox (d. 1941)
- Joshua Ozersky (d. 1967-2015)
- Josie Dew
- Jovica Tasevski-Eternijan (d. 1976)
- Juan Benet (1927–1993)
- Juan José Videgain (d. 1975)
- Judah ben Nissim (13th century)
- Jude Deveraux
- Judith Gould (d. 1952 and 1945), (Nicholas Peter "Nick" Bienes ve Rhea Gallaher'in takma adı)
- Judith Ivory
- Judith Krantz (1928-2019)
- Judith McNaught (d. 1944)
- Judith Merril (1923–1997)
- Judith Michael
- Judith Pella
- Judith Viorst (d. 1931)
- Judy Blume (d. 1938)
- Jules Verne (1828–1905)
- Julia Kane (1897–1985) (Denise Naomi Klein Robins Pearson'ın takma adı)
- Julia Quinn (d. 1969)
- Julian Barnes
- Julian Hawthorne (1846–1934)
- Julian May (d. 1931)
- Julian Rathbone (1935–2008)
- Julie Elizabeth Leto
- Julie Garwood (d. 1944)
- Julien Green (1900–1998)
- Julio Carreras (h) (d. 1949)
- Julio Cortázar (1914–1984)
- Junot Díaz
- Jürgen Habermas (d. 1929)