Ödül listeleri
Ödül listeleri, sanat ve eğlence, spor ve hobiler, beşeri bilimler, bilim ve teknoloji, iş ve topluma hizmet dahil olmak üzere çeşitli alanlarda verilen ödülleri kapsar. Belirli bir ödül birden fazla listede bulunabilir. Ödüller bir devlet kurumu, International Cricket Council gibi bir dernek, bir şirket, Motor Trend gibi bir dergi veya etkinlikler düzenleyen Terrapinn Holdings gibi bir kuruluş tarafından verilebilir. Bazı ödüller önemli bir maddi değere sahipken, diğerleri esas olarak tanınma sağlamaktadır. Listeler artık verilmeyen ödülleri de içermektedir.
Konu alanına göre
Sanat ve Eğlence
- Animation
- Art
- Olympic medalists
- Beauty pageants
- Choreography
- Comedy and humor
- Comics
- Manga
- Fashion
- Film
- Pornographic
- Screenwriting
- Performing arts
- Acting
- Dance
- Music
- Italian
- Women
- Theater
- Photography
- Radio
- Supporting actor
- Television
- Web
- Webcomics
İş dünyası ve endüstri
- Adult industry
- Advertising
- Agriculture
- Cannabis
- Aviation
- Business and industry
- Computer-related
- Design
- Food and drink
- Media
- Journalism
- Motor vehicle
- Occupational health and safety
- Quality
- Toys and children's media
- Academic
- Education
- Science communication
- Student
İnsani Bilimler
- Archaeology
- Culture
- History
- Humanities
- Language
- Law
- Literary
- Women
- Poetry
- Writing
- Philosophy
- Politics
- Religion
- Ecclesiastical
Yeniden yaratma
- Board games
- Board game of the Year
- Game
- Game of the Year
- Video games
- Numismatics
- Philately
- Professional wrestling
- Sports
- Women
- Sports journalism
Topluma hizmet
- Bravery
- Civil
- Contributions to society
- Human rights
- Humanitarian and service
- Intellectual freedom
- Intelligence and espionage
- Law enforcement
- United States
- Military decorations
- Highest
- Gulf War
- World War II
- Wound
- Peace prizes
- Scouting
- Volunteer
Doğa Bilimleri
- Architecture
- Astronomy
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Ornithology
- Biomedical science
- Chemistry
- Computer science
- Earth sciences
- Meteorology
- Oceanography
- Paleontology
- Engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Geology
- Geophysics
- Mathematics
- Medicine
- Physics
- Science and technology
- For women
- Space technology
Sosyal Bilimler
- Social sciences
- Anthropology
- Economics
- Environmental
- Geography
- Psychology
- Sociology
Kuruluşu ödüllendirerek
- American Library Association
- British Academy
- Children's Book Council of Australia
- Governor General of Canada
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Institute of Physics
- UNESCO Literacy
- PEN International
- Women's National Basketball League
Alıcı türüne göre
- African Americans
- Canadian
- Ghanaian
- Sikh
- Singapore
- Sri Lanka
- Women
- Media
- Science and technology
- Sports
Diğer kriterler
- Challenge
- Early career
- Lifetime achievement
- Gold medal
- Honorary society
- Mocking
- "Nobel of a field"
- Named after people
- Named after governors-general of Canada
Çeşitli ödüller
- Guinness World Records
- Chap of the Year (The Chap)
- All-America City Award (National Civic League)
- Confederate Medal of Honor (Sons of Confederate Veterans)
- Dickin Medal (People's Dispensary for Sick Animals)
- Order of the Smile – given by children to adults distinguished in their love, care, and aid for children
- Pipe Smoker of the Year (British Pipesmokers' Council)
- Rear of the Year (Rear of the Year Ltd)
- Segrave Trophy (British) – for "Outstanding Skill, Courage and Initiative on Land, Water and in the Air"
- Southern Cross of Honor (United Daughters of the Confederacy)